World Patient Safety Day – 17 September 2024:

« Get it right, make it safe! » World Patient Safety Day is an opportunity to raise public awareness and foster collaboration between patients, health workers, policymakers and health care leaders to improve patient safety.This year the theme is “Improving diagnosis for patient safety” with the slogan “Get it right, make it safe!”, highlighting the critical […]

World Press Freedom Day – 3 May 2023

Shaping a Future of Rights: Freedom of expression as a driver for all other human rights 2023 year marks the 30th anniversary of World Press Freedom Day. Three decades have passed since it was proclaimed in 1993, in which we have seen substantial progress towards achieving a free press and freedom of […]

World Mosquito Day – 20 August

You may be wondering why we have a World Mosquito Day when these animals are responsible for the transmission of malaria. Well, that is what this day is all about; raising awareness regarding this, so that more people will be safe and protected. It is also important to recognize that […]

International Day of Friendship – 30 July

Sharing the human spirit through friendship Our world faces many challenges, crises and forces of division — such as poverty, violence, and human rights abuses — among many others — that undermine peace, security, development and social harmony among the world’s peoples. To confront those crises and challenges, their root […]

4th Sunday of Easter, Year B

The gospel of this Sunday (4th Sunday of Easter, Year B – Jn.10:11-18) is well known with its text on the Good Shepherd. The words of Jesus are familiar and the picture they suggest to our minds is one similar to the picture here – a man concerned about his […]

Mine Awareness Day – 4 April

The United Nations’ International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action is observed on April 4 each year. This day aims to raise awareness about landmines and progress toward their eradication. The day aims to raise awareness about landmines and progress toward their eradication. « Mine action » refers to […]

World Meteorological Day – 23 March

The United Nations’ (UN) World Meteorological Day is annually held on or around March 23 to remember the World xMeteorological Organization’s establishment on that date in 1950. Many different activities and events are organized for this occasion. Background The International Meteorological Organization was established at the first International Meteorological Congress in […]