World Day for Audiovisual Heritage – 27 October

Audiovisual archives tell us stories about people’s lives and cultures from all over the world. They represent a priceless heritage which is an affirmation of our collective memory and a valuable source of knowledge since they reflect the cultural, social and linguistic diversity of our communities. They help us grow […]

International Literacy Day – 8 September 2024

Despite steady progress made across the world, literacy challenges persist with at least 763 million young people and adults lacking basic literacy skills in 2020. The recent COVID-19 crisis and other crisis, such as climate change and conflicts, have been exacerbating the challenges. This year, ILD will be celebrated under […]

Ouverture des Jeux Olympiques… Une réflexion…

Quatre heures, oui, quatre heures d’une présentation qu’on a qualifiée de grandiose, splendide, magnifique. Quelques commentaires négatifs ont aussi été prononcés, mais il faut reconnaître qu’il s’agissait bien d’un spectacle impressionnant. Durant la semaine qui a précédé, déjà les réflexions se succédaient au sujet de cette période tant attendue. On […]

L’alphabet du Carême – Lettre G

G pour GRAND Les scènes de l’évangile ont parfois quelque chose de bien contemporain. On pourrait parfois s’y reconnaître comme dans un miroir. Il faut avouer que les imperfections et les limitations des personnages se retrouvent parfois… en nous! Le texte qui suit l’exprime bien : « Ils (Jésus et ses […]

The Alphabet of Lent – Letter G

G for GREAT The scenes of the gospel have sometimes a very contemporary aspect. We could recognize ourselves there as in a mirror. We must admit that the imperfections and the limitations of the characters can sometimes be found… in us! The following text shows it clearly: “They (Jesus and […]

6th Sunday of Year B – 2024

The Bible offers all kinds of texts to our meditation. These texts, from different authors and times, are presented in different literary styles. Some are deep spiritual reflections, others give us more practical guidelines. Today’s 2nd reading belongs to this last group of texts. In his letter to the Corinthians, […]

World Consumers Rights Day – 15 March 2023

The consumer movement marks 15th March with World Consumer Rights Day every year, as a means of raising global awareness about consumer rights and needs. Celebrating the day is a chance to demand that the rights of all consumers are respected and protected, and to protest against market abuses and social […]