World Radiography Day – 8 November

 On November 8th, World Radiography Day marks the anniversary of the discovery of the X-ray. The day also recognizes the important role that radiographers and radiologists play in the health care industry. The first thing a doctor does when a patient breaks a bone is order an X-ray. This kind […]

International Day of Radiology – 8 November

This year, on November 8, the European Society of Radiology (ESR), the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) and the American College of Radiology (ACR) will celebrate the fifth International Day of Radiology (IDoR 2016), along with radiological societies the world over. This follows the successful International Days of Radiology, […]

International Day of Radiology – 8 November

« We chose November 8th, the day that Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen discovered the existence of x-ray in 1895, as a day of action and awareness. We hope to alert the world to the stunning medical, scientific and even artistic possibilities of medical imaging, the essential role of the radiologist as a […]