Epiphany of the Lord, Year C – 2025

Day after day, we read the Scripture to know and to understand – to know better, to understand more deeply who God is. The Bible texts offer us images and symbols, they relate events, they describe situations. Very often, they present us a message by way of contrast, of opposites. […]

7th Sunday of Year A – 2023

Reading the word of God in the Bible, one can experience all kinds of feelings: joy and consolation, hope and anticipation, wonder and questioning, regret, perhaps… or helplessness?… But there are times when the feeling is one of surprise – total and unexpected amazement! The first lines of today’s 2nd […]

15th Sunday of the Year, A

The words we use can express different levels of meaning. Some words go deeper than others, we know it. To get a glimpse of something or to catch sight of someone, is different from truly looking at the thing or the person. Looking at a scene, staring at somebody, this […]

2nd Sunday of Lent, Year A

LEAVING… there is much leaving in a human life, we know it. We leave our house for another as we want better accommodation. We leave a means of transport choosing another more efficient one. We leave perhaps our job having been offered a better salary somewhere else We leave some […]