image-i-nations trésor

Journée mondiale de la Terre – 22 avril

Qu’est-ce que le Jour de la Terre ?

Coordonné par le « Earth Day Network », le Jour de la Terre consiste à apprécier le caractère unique de notre planète Terre avec son incroyable biodiversité.
Selon l’ONU sur son site officiel, l’ADN de la « Journée internationale de la Terre nourricière » est plus précisément de sensibiliser les gens aux défis auxquels fait face notre planète, à partir de l’idée que la Terre et ses écosystèmes sont ce qui nous nourrit et soutient nos pas tout au long de la vie. Bref, notre seule maison.

Au cours de cette journée, diverses activités nationales et internationales sont menées pour comprendre la biodiversité et savoir comment protéger notre nature, les plantes, les animaux et l’environnement dans son ensemble.
Certaines des actions menées consistent à inciter à l’achat de produits plus écologiques, à la réduction des déchets, au recyclage et à la réutilisation, ou encore à la promotion de la lutte contre le changement climatique.

Earth Day Network, l’organisation à l’origine du mouvement, collabore avec plus de 22 000 partenaires * à travers le monde. Aujourd’hui, plus d’un milliard de personnes participent chaque année aux activités de la Journée mondiale de la Terre pour en faire l’un des plus grands événements mondiaux.

*Note de l’éditrice:  On célèbre le  ‘Jour de la Terre’ pour la 49è année, 180 pays en font partie et cette année (2019) le Senegal et le Togo se joignent au groupe.

Source: Texte:é  Images:

International Human Solidarity Day – 20 December

The United Nations’ (UN) International Human Solidarity Day is annually held on December 20 to celebrate unity in diversity. It also aims to remind people on the importance of solidarity in working towards eradicating poverty.

Solidarity refers to a union of interests, purposes or sympathies among members of a group. In the Millennium Declaration world leaders agreed that solidarity was a value that was important to international relations in the 21st century. In light of globalization and growing inequality, the UN realized that strong international solidarity and cooperation was needed to achieve its Millennium Development Goals. The UN was founded on the idea unity and harmony via the concept of collective security that relies on its members’ solidarity to unite for international peace and security.

On December 22, 2005, the UN General Assembly proclaimed that International Solidarity Day would take place on December 20 each year. The event aimed to raise people’s awareness of the importance of advancing the international development agenda and promoting global understanding of the value of human solidarity. The assembly felt that the promotion of a culture of solidarity and the spirit of sharing was important in combating poverty.

The UN emblem may be found in material promoting International Human Solidarity Day. The emblem consists of a projection of the globe centered on the North Pole. It depicts all continents except Antarctica and four concentric circles representing degrees of latitude. The projection is surrounded by images of olive branches, representing peace. The emblem is often blue, although it is printed in white on a blue background on the UN flag.

Source: Text:   Image: SlideShare



24th Sunday of the Year A

The parable of Jesus in the gospel of this Sunday (24th Sunday of Year A – Mt 18:21-35) is well-known but, I must admit, I never get used to its… demanding message!
Simply put, the last verse says that if we do not forgive others, God will not forgive us either.
This makes me more than a little… uncomfortable!

I wonder if there is any one among us who does not find it hard, very hard at times, to forgive someone who has hurt us.

To forgive:

  • Someone who has spread false rumours against us – ‘fake news’ is a current practice!
  • Someone who has deprived us of a promotion which was truly deserved.
  • Someone who has ‘stolen’ the love that was rightly ours from a spouse of many years…

And the list could go on, every example more painful than the previous one.
The deed may have been wicked, the outcome devastating, and the wound may seem incurable.

Every time I hear, or read, this gospel text, I feel inclined to tell the Lord: “You don’t really mean this, Lord!…”
But I know well that he does…

This time, having read the gospel, I went to the text of the 1st reading (Si.27:30 – 28:7)
and… the last verse caught my attention (in the French text):

“Ne garde pas de rancune envers le prochain…
et sois indulgent pour qui ne sait pas. »

The English translation of the Jerusalem Bible simply says:
“Do not bear your neighbour ill-will…
and overlook the offence.” (Si.28:7-8)  

(The American Bible translation has: “Overlook a mistake”).
Neither of them gave the meaning I had found in the French words…
I kept searching and…

In the King James version I found this interesting translation:
Bear no malice to thy neighbour… and wink at ignorance.”

These words immediately brought back to my mind the words Jesus spoke on the cross:
“Forgive them, Father, they do not know what they are doing” (Lc.23:34).

So often, it is so…
People do not realize, they can be foolish, but not really evil.
If they truly saw and understood, if they were aware of what their words and actions do to others, then… perhaps they would not do what they do…

When I feel like telling the Lord: “You don’t really mean this, Lord!…”, it seems to me that I hear:
“Of course, not… not on your own… but my Spirit is with you to enable you to do it…”
Personally, this is the only way I can stop protesting and … start pardoning – poorly, awkwardly perhaps, but sincerely.

Source: Image: LDS