When I notice the backpack of my guest hanging on the rail of the stairs, I know he is back from his travels. As I perceive the familiar smell of freshly brewed coffee and toasted bread, I know that my sister is in the kitchen with breakfast ready for us. […]
1st Sunday of Lent, Year B – 2024
Among us, human beings, relationships are of many kinds – family, friends, colleagues, neighbors, etc. Somehow, we find it normal that there be special ties between ourselves and other people who are part of our lives. The amazing thing is that… God feels the same! From all times, God has […]
4th Sunday of Advent, Year C – 2021
The daily news broadcast on television shows us long files of migrants and would-be refugees. Asked why they left their country, the recurring answer is that there was no security, no peace, where they come from. SECURITY and PEACE, the essentials for a decent life, a life without threat of […]
1st Sunday of Advent, Year C – 2021
There is no doubt about it: this 1st Sunday of Advent invites us to look to the future. A promise is essentially doing this and it is a promise that we are given in the 1st reading (Jr.33:14-16). The text of the prophet Jeremiah gives us God’s words in a […]
Feast of the Body and blood of Christ, Year B – 2021
“A dream come true!” We often hear this expression from someone who had been hoping for something and this very thing happens, or is given to the person. The words are spoken spontaneously with jubilation. This phrase came to me as I read today’s gospel text (Mk.14:12-16,22-26) following the Alleluia […]
23rd Sunday of Year A – 2020
People may speak to give some information or to state a fact. They may tell a story or give some instruction. But it happens that someone makes a promise – this is a different kind of statement. It is binding on the person who speaks and promising to the one […]
5th Sunday of Lent, Year A – 2020
W A I T I N G ! I know very few people who like to… WAIT. In general people do not like delays, postponements, adjournments. Of course, this can mean a pause, a rest, but this is not what we want. We are a generation where not only […]
6th Sunday of Year C
It is said that our society is one where immediate gratification is the order of the day. People want success, money, fame, NOW. Satisfaction must be obtained without delay and preferably without too much effort. One can’t wait to possess and to enjoy whatever will satisfy one’s desires. In the […]
World Polio Day – 24 October
World Polio Day is an opportunity for the global polio eradication community to renew its promise of a polio-free world to future generations. In honor of World Polio Day, CDC will celebrate and highlight polio eradication work around the globe using Twitter and Facebook. Tweets will feature the efforts and […]
13th Sunday of the Year, A
“FIRST THINGS FIRST”! We hear these words from time to time. They usually come from someone who has a lot to do already and to whom someone may ask to do something more… The person may feel that too many tasks demand his attention, too many commitments claim her time […]