The International Day of Radio and Television for Children takes place on 6 March. This is a day when media professionals from around the world put themselves on the same page as children. They broadcast quality programs for children. Most importantly, they give children the opportunity to participate in the […]
2nd Sunday of Year C – 2025
It can happen that we get so used to reading, or hearing, the gospel texts that, somehow, we have the impression that… we know them. But perhaps we need to get to… know them anew! Some people will say that the Scripture texts do not change, and this is true, […]
World Occupational Therapy Day – 27 October 2024
The theme for World Occupational Therapy Day 2024 is ‘Occupational Therapy for All’. The theme reflects the important role of the profession to facilitate the ability of individuals, communities and populations to participate in the activities that they want, need or are expected to do in their daily lives. Source: Text: […]
12th Sunday of Year A – 2023
“Life is not easy” – nobody would rashly deny this statement. Everyone has in mind many occasions when this has proved true. Difficulties of all kinds come our way and make life something of a struggle. How do people cope with situations where they are faced with problems? What do […]
4th Sunday of Year C – 2022
God’s ways are not our ways – we have been told long ago and we know it, perhaps… from experience! The prophet Jeremiah had certainly learned this from experience! The 1st reading of today is a good example of this (Jeremiah 1:4-5,17-19). « Get yourself ready. Stand up!” With these words, […]
World Oceans Day – 8 June 2021
« Love ocean, he will not betray you. » On June 8, the entire world comes together for the largest water body surrounding us, which is the ocean. It is an important part of our earth as it provides us with water, the most integral element that we need in our daily […]
28th Sunday of Year A – 2020
It is quite surprising how often we can catch ourselves saying: ‘I hope that…’ ‘I hope that this will happen…’ ‘I hope that this situation will improve…’ ‘I hope that my child will soon get better…’ ‘I hope that my friend will get a promotion…’ Somehow, it seems that our […]
4th Sunday of Easter, Year C – 2019
Many people are familiar with this English expression: “To hold on for dear life.” Its meaning is obvious: it involves holding on tightly to someone, or something, not to fall. Hearing this expression recently, I went on thinking that, in life, there are quite a few occasions when we must […]
International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking – 26 June
The United Nations’ (UN) International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking falls on June 26 each year to raise awareness of the major problem that illicit drugs represent to society. This day is supported by individuals, communities and various organizations all over the world. Governments, organizations and individuals in […]
World Oceans Day – 8 June
World Oceans Day 2018 – The Scourge of Plastic Pollution World Oceans Day is held every year on 8th June to raise awareness of the vital importance of our oceans and the role they play in sustaining a healthy planet. A global celebration, it looks to bring people and organisations together […]