4th Sunday of Easter, Year B – 2024

Nowadays, some people speak of our ways as those of a ‘throw away culture’. It seems that people buy a lot of objects, and they soon throw them away. They acquire many items and discard them readily. Not much is precious to them, it looks as if nothing is of […]

25th Sunday of Year B

Many of the gospel texts are well known to us – we know the stories; we know the people and the facts. We remember the parables and their message. The words of Jesus, at least many of them, echo in our memories. Yet, I wonder if, at times, some important […]

Holy Thursday, Year A

Memory… Memories… Personal… Shared… Cherished… Sometimes surprising… Precious… Our memory is an important part of ourselves. It can bring back to us forgotten experiences. It can recapture the sights and sounds of long-past events. It can place before our mind’s eye the faces of loved ones. At times, some people […]