World Compliment Day – 1 March

HISTORY OF WORLD COMPLIMENT DAY After many successful celebrations of National Compliment Day, founder Hans Poortvliet from the Netherlands decided to turn it into World Compliment Day, dedicating a world-wide holiday to radiating positivity. March 1 is just about consciously reflecting on what someone in your community does well and […]

The Alphabet of Lent – Letter H

H for Hypocrite Among the members of religious associations of different denominations, at times, there is a disease that sours relationships – relationships with one another and, also, the relationship with… God. Unfortunately, this affliction often remains without treatment, even though it is truly harmful. This disease is that of… […]

21st Sunday of Year A – 2020

In a gospel text that is well-known, I usually try to find an aspect which has perhaps gone unnoticed in the reflections and commentaries offered by different writers. In today’s gospel (Mt.16:13-20), my attention is drawn to the fact that Peter is being praised by Jesus. Peter must have been […]

Feast of Mary, Mother, Year A

There are attitudes which can be helpful and make life easier and more pleasant. Other ways are less conducive to growth and happiness. One of these is called: ‘Getting used to’… Of course, the repetition of certain tasks can make them easier to perform. Exercise and practice can make one […]

22nd Sunday of the Year, C

All kinds of books, documents, archives and, of course, nowadays, articles on the web, tell us much about the religions of the world. We can gather detailed information from the earliest stages when human beings started to turn to Someone they believed to be great and powerful and whom they […]