There are times when we feel we are no longer sure about certain things which we thought we knew well. We suddenly become aware that we may need to take into consideration some factors and readjust our thinking. It could be so regarding… wealth, riches, possessions… It may be that […]
3è dimanche de l’Avent, année B – 2023-2024
Plaisir, joie, bonheur – ces mots se retrouvent souvent dans nos conversations. La répétition que nous en faisons n’indique-t-elle pas un besoin, un espoir, une attente? Qui de nous ne désire pas être heureux/heureuse? La question ne se pose même pas! Ce 3è dimanche de l’Avent est justement connu comme […]
4è dimanche de l’année A – 2023
Le bulletin quotidien des nouvelles, locales ou internationales, ne manque pas de présenter de l’information sur l’économie. « Ça va de soi, direz-vous: l’économie ça touche tout un chacun, ça intéresse tout le monde! » Et… la pauvreté? Ah… de la pauvreté, on ne peut pas en dire autant… La pauvreté, on […]
6th Sunday of Year C – 2022
Poverty, hunger, sadness, hatred from others – who would dare say that these will bring happiness? Someone has dared to say so – Jesus did when speaking to the crowds eager to listen to him (Luke 6:17,20-26). I wonder how they reacted, all those listening to him on that day… […]
5th Sunday of Lent, Year B
Among the gospel texts, there are some which are more than a little demanding… And, when it is Jesus himself who speaks to us, there is no trying to escape. Some may try to pretend they do not understand, but somehow they know they are deceiving themselves. On this 5th […]
17th Sunday of Year A
The gospel message is quite… radical! This statement may appear somehow shocking to some people but it is very true. The term ‘radical’ comes from a foreign word meaning ‘roots’ and the gospel message does exactly that: It goes to the root of reality, and it wants to reach us […]
25th Sunday of the Year, C
None of us would like to be seen as … a slave – the only thought of it is shocking! We cherish and defend our liberty and we do not want it diminished in any way. And yet… in some rare moments of lucidity and honesty, perhaps… perhaps we would […]