image-i-nations trésor

World Day of Migrants and Refugees – 18 December

The theme chosen by Pope Francis for 2016 is “Migrants and Refugees Challenge Us.  The Response of the Gospel of Mercy.”
“The tragic stories of millions of men and women daily confront the international community as a result of the outbreak of unacceptable humanitarian crises in different parts of the world,” writes Pope Francis.

“Indifference and silence lead to complicity whenever we stand by as people are dying of suffocation, starvation, violence and shipwreck,” he continues. “Whether large or small in scale, these are always tragedies, even when a single human life is lost.”

The Message also states:
“The Church stands at the side of all who work to defend each person’s right to live with dignity, first and foremost by exercising the right not to emigrate and to contribute to the development of one’s country of origin.  This process should include, from the outset, the need to assist the countries which migrants and refugees leave.  This will demonstrate that solidarity, cooperation, international interdependence and the equitable distribution of the earth’s goods are essential for more decisive efforts, especially in areas where migration movements begin, to eliminate those imbalances which lead people, individually or collectively, to abandon their own natural and cultural environment.”

Source: Text: Vatican Radio  Image:

Mother Teresa to be canonized on September 4

Pope Francis will declare Blessed Teresa of Kolkata a saint at the Vatican September 4. Mother Teresa was widely known as a living saint as she ministered to the sick and the dying in some of theA poster of Blessed Teresa of Kolkata and Missionaries of Charity are seen in Kolkata, India, in this Sept. 5, 2007, file photo. Pope Francis will declare her a saint at the Vatican Sept. 4, the conclusion of the Year of Mercy jubilee for those engaged in works of mercy. (CNS photo/Jayanta Shaw, Reuters) See POPE-SAINTS-DATES March 15, 2016.poorest neighborhoods in the world. Although some people criticized her for not also challenging the injustices that kept so many people so poor and abandoned, her simple service touched the hearts of millions of people of all faiths.

Born to an ethnic Albanian family in Skopje, in what is now part of Macedonia, she went to India in 1929 as a Sister of Loreto and became an Indian citizen in 1947. She founded the Missionaries of Charity in 1950.
Shortly after she died in 1997, St. John Paul II waived the usual five-year waiting period and allowed the opening of the process to declare her sainthood. She was beatified in 2003.

After her beatification, Missionary of Charity Father Brian Kolodiejchuk, the postulator of her sainthood cause, published a book of her letters, « Mother Teresa: Come Be My Light. » The letters illustrated how, for decades, she experienced what is described as a « dark night of the soul » in Christian spirituality; she felt that God had abandoned her. While the letters shocked some people, others saw them as proof of her steadfast faith in God, which was not based on feelings or signs that he was with her.

The date chosen for her canonization is the eve of the 19th anniversary of her death and the date previously established at the Vatican for the conclusion of the Year of Mercy pilgrimage of people like her who are engaged in works of mercy.

Source: Text & Image: Catholic News Service By Cindy Wooden; CNS photo/Jayanta Shaw, Reuters: A poster of Blessed Teresa of Kolkata and Missionaries of Charity are seen in Kolkata, India.

World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation – 1 September

Iris - Agnes Babas FooksPope Francis has declared September 1 as the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation.

« The annual World Day of prayer for the Care of Creation offers to individual believers and to the community a precious opportunity to renew our personal participation in this vocation as custodians of creation, raising to God our thanks for the marvellous works that He has entrusted to our care, invoking his help for the protection of creation and his mercy for the sins committed against the world in which we live. »
Coinciding with the celebration of the Orthodox Church, Pope Francis hopes that:
« The celebration of the Day on the same date as the Orthodox Church will be a valuable opportunity to bear witness to our growing communion with our orthodox brothers.   We live in a time where all Christians are faced with identical and important challenges and we must give common replies to these in order to appear more credible and effective.  Therefore it is my hope that this Day can involve, in some way, other Churches and ecclesial Communities and be celebrated in union with the initiatives that the World Council of Churches is promoting on this issue. »

Source: Text & Image: Religious of the Sacred heart of Jesus    Illustration: « Iris » by Agnes Babas Fooks

World Youth Day – 23 July

220px-WYD-2008Not to be confused with International Youth Day or World Festival of Youth and Students.

World Youth Day (WYD) is an event for young people organized every three (or sometimes, two) years by the Catholic Church. The next occasion, World Youth Day 2016, will be held 25–31 July 2016 in Kraków, Poland.[1]220px-Francisco_Papa_Jornada_Mundial_de_la_Juventud_Rio_de_Janeiro_Julio_2013_A

World Youth Day was initiated by Saint Pope John Paul II in 1985. For the first celebration of WYD in 1986, bishops all over the world were invited to schedule an annual youth event to be held every Palm Sunday in their dioceses.

It is celebrated at the diocesan level annually, and at the international level every two to three years at different locations. The 1995 World Youth Day closing Mass in the Philippines set a world record for the largest number of people gathered for a single religious event (with 5 million attendees)— a record surpassed when 6 million attended a Mass celebrated by Pope Francis in the Philippines 20 years later in 2015.

Source: Text & Images: Wikipedia    Images, left: Crowd at Barangaroo, Sydney, for first day of WYD08 celebrations    right: Pope Francis arrives at Copacabana, 26 July 2013

World Communications Day – 8 May

pape(1)The Pontifical Council for Social Communications on Tuesday announced the theme for the 2016 World Communications Day. It is Communication and Mercy: A Fruitful Encounter.
The day is celebrated each year on the Sunday before Pentecost, which this year is on 8 May.

World Communications Day was established by Paul VI after the Second Vatican Council  in order to draw attention to the “the vast and complex phenomenon of the modem means of social communication.”

This year’s theme was decided in order to coincide with the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, the Holy Year called by Pope Francis to announce the Mercy of God.

Source: Text: Vatican Radio; Image: Journée mondiale

World Day of Migrants and Refugees – 17 January

EPA1939668_ArticoloThe 102nd World Day of Migrants and Refugees will be celebrated January 17, 2016. The theme of Pope Francis’ Message is « Migrants and refugees challenge us: The response of the Gospel of mercy ». In his Message, the Holy Father says that « migrants are our brothers and sisters in search of a better life, far away from poverty, hunger, exploitation and the unjust distribution of the planet’s resources which are meant to be equitably shared by all. Don’t we all want a better, more decent and prosperous life to share with our loved ones? »

Source: Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Explaining the pope’s choice for the theme, the Pontifical Council for Migrants and Travelers said the pope first wants to draw Catholics’ attention to « the dramatic situation of many men and women forced to abandon their homelands. »

In calling a Year of Mercy beginning Dec. 8, Pope Francis said it would be a time to overcome indifference to the needs of others, the council said. « Let us open our eyes and see the misery of the world, the wounds of our brothers and sisters who are denied their dignity, and let us recognize that we are compelled to heed their cry for help, » the pope wrote in the document proclaiming the year. The theme’s reference to « the Gospel of mercy, » aims « explicitly to tie the phenomenon of migration to the response of the world and, especially, of the church. In this context, the Holy Father invites the Christian people to reflect during the jubilee year on the corporal and spiritual works of mercy, which includes welcoming the stranger. »

Source: Catholic Diocese of Kumbo, Bamenda, Cameroon   Pic: EPA Vatican, In a camp, refugees are wading through water

Pope Francis’ first book

Copies of Pope Francis’ first book ‘The Name of God is Mercy ‘ are adjusted on a shelf ahead of its official launch, in Rome, Tuesday, Jan. 12, 2016. The book, a 100-page conversation with Italian journalist Andrea Tornielli, is being published this week in 86 countries to help kick-start Francis’ Holy Year of Mercy. Tuesday’s official presentation with a high-level panel discussion featuring Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin and actor Roberto Benigni signals the importance Francis places on getting the message out.

pope with microphone

Pope, mercy

Copies of Pope Francis' first book 'The Name of God is Mercy ' are adjusted on a shelf ahead of its official launch, in Rome, Tuesday, Jan. 12, 2016. The book, a 100-page conversation with Italian journalist Andrea Tornielli, is being published this week in 86 countries to help kick-start Francis' Holy Year of Mercy. Tuesday's official presentation with a high-level panel discussion featuring Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin and actor Roberto Benigni signals the importance Francis places on getting the message out. (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino)

Source: Images: (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino;;;


World Day of Migrants and Refugees – 18 December

The theme chosen by Pope Francis for 2016 is “Migrants and Refugees Challenge Us. The Response of the Gospel of Mercy.”
“The tragic stories of millions of men and women daily confront the international community as a result of the outbreak of unacceptable humanitarian crises in different parts of the world,” writes Pope Francis.
“Indifference and silence lead to complicity whenever we stand by as people are dying of suffocation, starvation, violence and shipwreck,” he continues. “Whether large or small in scale, these are always tragedies, even when a single human life is lost.”
“The Church stands at the side of all who work to defend each person’s right to live with dignity, first and foremost by exercising the right not to emigrate and to contribute to the development of one’s country of origin. This process should include, from the outset, the need to assist the countries which migrants and refugees leave.         (Vatican Radio)

The head of the UN refugee agency, UNHCR, has urged European leaders to set up a « massive » refugee settlement programme. Antonio Guterres was speaking as a new UN report warned that the number of forcibly displaced people worldwide would « far surpass » a record 60 million this year.     (Source: BBC News email, December 18, 2015)


Year of Mercy


VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis pushed open the great bronze doors of St. Peter’s Basilica on Tuesday December 8 to launch his Holy Year of Mercy, declaring that mercy trumps moralizing in his Catholic Church.

Francis stood in prayer on the threshold of the basilica’s Holy Door then walked through it, the first of an estimated 10 million faithful who will pass through over the course of the next year in a rite of pilgrimage dating back centuries.

November 29, 2015 Climate Change Conference

cop21cmp11_logo_hp_159x216Today, marks the opening in Paris of the twenty-first session of the Conference of the Parties (COP). Some 195 delegations are to be present with 150 heads of state expected to attend.

According to the organizing committee, the objective of the 2015 conference is to achieve, for the first time in over 20 years of UN negotiations, a binding and universal agreement on climate, from all the nations of the world.

Pope Francis published an encyclical called Laudato si’ intended, in part, to influence the conference. The encyclical calls for action against climate change.

The International Trade Union Confederation has called for the goal to be « zero carbon, zero poverty », and the general secretary Sharan Burrow has repeated that there are « no jobs on a dead planet ».  (Wikipedia and others)