There are times when we feel we are no longer sure about certain things which we thought we knew well. We suddenly become aware that we may need to take into consideration some factors and readjust our thinking. It could be so regarding… wealth, riches, possessions… It may be that […]
30th Sunday of Year A – 2023
Often, those in power do not pay much attention to ordinary people. People who enjoy wealth and influence are not always keen to be associated with those who are less fortunate. We know that God is almighty and his power is infinite, yet… Yet, he does not keep at a […]
26th Sunday of Year C – 2022
Today’s gospel text probably appears to many of us as somehow strange, awkward even (Luke 16:19-31). We may feel uncomfortable at the wording, and more still at the scenes described. It all seems rather remote from our own experience. Really? What about ‘translating’ this parable […]
International Women’s Day – 8 March 2022
Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow Advancing gender equality in the context of the climate crisis and disaster risk reduction is one of the greatest global challenges of the 21st century. Women are increasingly being recognized as more vulnerable to climate change impacts than men, as they constitute the […]
32nd Sunday of Year B – 2021
The expression is familiar: ‘That’s nothing compared with…’ A child will speak these words to boast of his father’s achievement, better than that of the father of his friends: ‘That’s nothing compared with’… what my father can do!’ A woman showing the item she got on sale will say the […]
Pope Francis visits Irak
Pope Francis arrives in Iraq as ‘penitent pilgrim’ begging for peace Pope Francis arrived in Iraq March 5 for a three-day visit aimed at encouraging the nation’s historic but diminishing Christian community. .. The pontiff made impassioned and repeated pleas that the country might avert further conflict. « May the clash of […]
30th Sunday of Year A – 2020
Writing to the first Christians of Rome, Paul tells them: “God has no favorites.” (Rom.2:11) Yet, today’s 1st reading leads me to think somehow differently. It seems that there are some people who are God’s favorites. The text of Exodus mentions them (Ex.22:20-26): “The foreigner (those we […]
16th Sunday of Year A
There is so much that is wrong in our world today, is it not so? The powerful bring suffering to the weak. The selfish – legions of them – grab all they can. The rich keep adding to their share while the poor have to manage on what they can […]
3rd Sunday of the Year, C
The scene takes place in the synagogue of Nazareth on a Sabbath day. It is the time to read a passage of the sacred text. As any adult man can do, Jesus takes the scroll and starts reading a text from the prophet Isaiah (Is.61:1-2). Today’s gospel (Luke 1:1-4; 4:14-21) […]