Journée mondiale du vitiligo – 25 juin

Cette journée mondiale a été voulue par des fans de Mickael Jackson, justement atteint par le vitiligo. Il s’agit d’une maladie qui se manifeste notamment par une dépigmentation de la peau. Une initiative internationale pour que le 25 juin soit reconnue officiellement comme la journée mondiale du vitiligo par les […]

International Albinism Awareness Day – 13 June

June 13 is International Albinism Awareness Day. It is a UN effort to stop the brutalities against people with albinism. Genetic Condition Albinism is a genetic condition resulting in little or no pigmentation in the skin, hair, and eyes. In several cultures around the world, and particularly in many African […]

International Albinism Awareness Day – 13 June

On the 13th of June 2017 is International Albinism Awareness Day. It had been proclaimed by the United Nations (UN) to spread information about albinism and to avoid mobbing and discrimination of albinos. The International Albinism Awareness Day aims to increase the global attention to human rights. Albinism is a […]