“God loved the word so much that he gave his only Son,so that everyone who believes in him may not be lost but may have eternal life” (John 3:16). In terms of measure, intensity, depth… what could be added?It is God who gives, and it is… for us! These words […]
The Alphabet of Lent – Letter H
H for Hypocrite Among the members of religious associations of different denominations, at times, there is a disease that sours relationships – relationships with one another and, also, the relationship with… God. Unfortunately, this affliction often remains without treatment, even though it is truly harmful. This disease is that of… […]
Someone interesting to meet…
The gospel texts of this 2nd week of Easter give us to meet someone interesting. His name is Nicodemus. A pharisee, he is a man searching for answers. He decides to approach the Man of Nazareth. Personified by John de Souza, let us follow him as he meets the […]
30th Sunday of Year C – 2019
The gospel of this Sunday (Lk.18:9-14) shows us a man that, nowadays, people would say is ‘full of himself’! This Pharisee does not hesitate to remind, even God, of all his qualities and good actions. We justly see his claims for what they are: boasting pure and simple. But, the […]
30th Sunday of the Year, C
Praying is known to be an activity essentially directed to… God. It seems obvious that when someone comes to God in prayer, praises, thanks, blessings, will be addressed to him. It could be said that prayer is simply acknowledging who God is and… who we are. Amazingly, the gospel text […]
11th Sunday of the Year, C
The scene is well-known, the story it depicts as well, and the woman character in it is no less famous, could we say. So many works of art, works of fiction and of theological reflection are centred on the subject: Mary Magdalene, the women of Magdala. The gospel text of […]
A Jew, a Pharisee…
The Easter season speaks of Nicodemus. He was a Jew, more still a Pharisee, how could he come to that teacher of Nazareth? In this video, he tells us what happened…