A change of… perspective – this is what we sometimes need… Looking at something from another angle… Taking a slightly different view of a situation… Considering a problem from another viewpoint… This change may lead to a completely different outlook and influence our attitude in a more positive way. This […]
22nd Sunday of Year B – 2024
In our moments of lucidity and honesty, we are usually ready to admit that… there is often quite a gap between what we say and what we do! Our way of acting does not always match our way of speaking… This is true of many people and shows itself in […]
11th Sunday of Year A – 2023
We ask one another many questions, questions about all kinds of things. But it happens also that we ask questions of… ourselves. This situation may arise especially when faced with situations which we find disturbing. At such times, we may wonder: “Is God unaware of what is happening to me? […]
On m’a dit… 11è jour
Il prend sa marche quotidienne, oui, Mario Falardeau considère cela bien important. Mais quand il déambule dans les rues de son quartier il rencontre bien des gens… des gens qui suscitent sa réflexion.
22nd Sunday of Year B
« It is a question of perspective… » These words are sometimes spoken by someone who does not agree with a statement from somebody else. That person does not want to express disapproval outright. He, or she, does not want to manifest too bluntly a difference of opinion, or taste. But, the […]
Pause-Café, 25è jour
Y pour… ? Yen?… Yaourt?… Yoga?… Mais qu’ont donc choisi Diane et David?