13th Sunday of Year A – 2023

The slogan is well known to us that says: “First things first!” These words express a determination to set priorities. The gospel text of this Sunday invites us to a different choice (Matthew 10:37-42): Our priorities should be about putting people first, more precisely putting someone first. This someone is […]

2nd Sunday of Easter, Year A – 2023

In this day and age, surveys are commonplace. People want to know what others think about different subjects. They want to be aware of how their fellowmen and women feel about many topics. So, journalists, reporters, and others involved in the media, submit questionnaires – questionnaires asking about the opinions […]

23è dimanche de l’année C, 2022

Faire des choix: nous en faisons constamment et de toutes sortes. Le menu du jour, la tenue de sortie, le cadeau à offrir, le changement d’emploi, la période de vacances, etc. Des choix, et encore des choix, s’offrent à nous et exigent une décision de notre part. Et, si on […]

1st Sunday of Advent, Year B

Many of us will have heard the words of a friend calling on his friend : “Wake up! I am talking to you!” Or, someone addressing a colleague with insistence: “Wake up! I am speaking to you about something important.” In both cases, what we hear is a ‘wake up call’, […]

Vendredi-Saint… S’en laver les mains…

S’en laver les mains S’esquiver, se désister, ne pas oser, ne pas témoigner, se soustraire à un devoir, abdiquer une responsabilité, éviter de prendre position, fermer les yeux pour ne pas voir, rejeter l’option qui demande du courage, se laisser vaincre par la peur, la honte, l’indifférence – C’est tout […]