People who persist in following us to obtain something are not always rewarded!
Those who insist to attract our attention and awaken our interest will end up, very often, disappointed.
Insistence and persistence are often seen as obstination and do not gain our favor.

But it seems that… with God, things are different!
The 1st reading and the gospel of this Sunday show this clearly.

In the 1st reading we meet Abraham who pleads with God in a way that some would see as harassment.
And, amazingly, God goes along with this and accepts Abraham’s terms time and again (Genesis 18:20-32).

In the gospel, Jesus himself, tells a story meant to be the model of our approach to God:
asking, keeping on asking… until we are given what we want! (Luc 11:1-13).

To God, perseverance appears to be an important quality when presenting ourselves – and our requests – to him!
Singlemindedness and steadfastness are attitudes that can obtain from God… all that he is eager to give us in the first place!

Unfortunately, when knocking at his door… at times, we do not allow him to answer so much in a hurry are we to explore other avenues and… lacking trust in his unfailing generosity…


Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at:



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