Praying… an activity which always finds us in need to learn – to learn how to approach God and, of course, what to say when we are in his presence. Bookshops and libraries are full of material published precisely to guide us with methods and advice about praying. Many spiritual […]
A woman, a pagan…
She was a woman, a pagan woman, looked down upon and despised by the Jews. She was not put off nor discouraged by a silent or verbal refusal – the Syrophoenician woman knew better than to give up asking!… A reflection on this gospel can be found at:
20th Sunday of Year A
I know a young man called William who was looking for work. It is not easy nowadays to find a job when so many are being laid off. He went to a Bank but was not lucky. He then contacted an Insurance Company but was not accepted. A bookshop did […]
La Cananéenne…
Une persévérance audacieuse, une confiance téméraire, un à-propos exemplaire… Et cela lui a obtenu ce qu’elle désirait – la Cananéenne. Une réfexion sur le theme de cet évangile se trouve à: 20è dimanche de l’année A
20è dimanche de l’année A
Les auteurs spirituels, les mystiques spécialement, ont écrit sur ‘Le silence de Dieu’ – des choses profondes, des choses parfois difficiles à comprendre et peut-être… déroutantes. Et voici que l’évangile d’aujourd’hui (20è dimanche de l’année A – Mt.15 :21-28) nous présente… le silence de Jésus et lui aussi est déroutant. C’est […]