image-i-nations trésor

18th Sunday of Year C – 2022

Belongings, possessions, riches – all items referring to one’s property.
They describe things of value acquired by someone.
Houses, cars, jewels, come immediately to mind, but many more ordinary or unusual items could also be mentioned!

The author of today’s 1st reading (Ecclesiastes 1:2; 2:21-23) had his own detailed list of all that he had managed to obtain for himself.
(The list is in the words at the beginning of chapter 2 not read in the celebration itself but can be found in the Bible).
Yet, this rich man admitted that all his riches did not make him happy.

This Bible text suggested another one published as a modern parable which I share with you.

A very rich and clever man had gathered a large  fortune. He had managed to get all the things he wanted. After some time, he realized he had everything, except happiness.
One day, he heard about a wise man living by himself in the desert. Of him, people said he was the happiest man in the world and that it was enough to wear his shirt to be fully happy.

The rich man went to him; he bowed low offering him a bag filled with gold and asking to buy his shirt.
“I cannot sell it to you”, said the wise man.
“Why not”, said the rich man.
“Because I have none.”
“If you don’t have even a shirt, how can you be happy?”
To this, the wise man replied, “Only one thing makes a human being happy: a treasure. Woe to him/her who is without a treasure.”
The man with the large fortune exclaimed: “Treasures, I have so many, yet I am not happy,”
Then, the words of wisdom slowly came out: “You have money in plenty and possessions of all kinds, but you have no treasure. This is why you are so sad.”

The exclamation reaches to each one: “Who to him/her who is without a treasure.”

But… not just any treasure can bring happiness…
It is the one Jesus mentions in today’s gospel (Luke 12:13-21):
“Making himself (herself) rich in the sight of God.»
Something to be learned, day after day, by each and everyone who longs to be… HAPPY…


Note: Another reflection is available on a similar theme but presented differently in French at:


Source: Text of the modern parable of the rich man: Translation and adaptation of Lettie Morse, Living with Christ, 20 June 1982      Images: Pinterest  Adobe Stock

Une question… d’importance!

huge_2_14393Dans l’évangile de dimanche dernier (17è dimanche, année C – Luc 11:1-13) nous avons rencontré Marthe de Béthanie qui tentait de persuader Jésus de prendre sa part, de se mettre de son côté, pour convaincre sa sœur, Marie, de l’aider dans les tâches domestiques qui l’occupaient. Ce dimanche (18è dimanche, année C – Luc 12:13-21) un individu approche Jésus et, lui aussi, s’efforce de gagner la collaboration de Jésus. Comme Marthe, il veut que Jésus se range de son côté pour convaincre son frère de partager l’héritage reçu.

En bons Juifs qu’ils étaient, ils connaissaient sûrement le Psaume 56 :10 : « Je le sais : Dieu est pour moi. »
Pourtant… leur tentative à chacun n’a pas eu de succès et l’un et l’autre ont reçu de Jésus un message personnel pour les aider à… changer de perspective!

Mais, peut-être leur attitude reflète-elle la nôtre à certains moments… Ne désirons-nous pas… avoir Dieu de notre côté? Contre tout ce qui met entrave à nos attentes…

On désire qu’il nous protège contre les injustices, qu’il guérisse les maladies, qu’il prévienne les accidents, qu’il empêche les attaques terroristes, qu’il nous épargne des tremblements de terre, qu’il nous sauve des déboires qui nous arrivent si souvent, qu’il… Qu’attendons-nous encore de lui?
C’est simple, qu’il soit pour nous – envers et contre tout et tous! Oui, on veut que Dieu se mette de notre côté, ni plus ni moins.

Et s’il fallait plutôt NOUS mettre de SON côté? Adopter sa vision des événements et des gens, faire nôtre sa perspective sur la réalité, sur notre vécu qui se déroule au fil des jours… Je me pose la question !

Source: Image: