image-i-nations trésor

31è dimanche de l’année C – 2019

Le texte de l’évangile de ce dimanche nous présente Zachée dans son arbre (Lc.19:1-10).
C’est là qu’il s’est perché – caché, pense-t-il dans son sycomore – pour apercevoir Jésus qui approche.
Sa petite taille l’empêcherait de bien voir et la foule qui se presse ne l’aiderait pas.

La scène nous est bien connue, la description détaillée nous la fait imaginer sans peine.
Mais il y a justement un détail qui risque de passer inaperçu…

Zachée a évidemment le désir de voir Jésus, il veut se faire une idée de ce nouveau prophète,
mais… il n’adresse pas la parole à l’Homme de Nazareth, non.
C’est Jésus qui interpelle Zachée et qui s’invite chez lui.
Il l’enjoint même de se hâter!

« Zachée, descends vite :
aujourd’hui il faut que j’aille demeurer dans ta maison. »

Je parlais d’un détail mais ce n’en est pas un :
au contraire, c’est un aspect bien important de la situation.
C’est même au cœur du message de ce texte :
DIEU S’INVITE CHEZ NOUS – rien de moins !

On croit souvent qu’il nous faut demander, insister, implorer Dieu.
Mais c’est peut-être lui qui le fait envers nous et… trop souvent à notre insu…

Un très beau texte du livre de l’Apocalypse (ou, Révélation) nous décrit cette réalité :

« Voici, je me tiens à la porte, et je frappe.
Si quelqu’un entend ma voix et ouvre la porte, j’entrerai chez lui,
je souperai avec lui, et lui avec moi. » (Rév.3:20)

Dieu est parfois discret quand il s’invite chez nous, mais il est là, il frappe, il attend…
Se pourrait-il que nous ne prêtions pas attention?
Ou que nous ne nous hâtions pas de l’accueillir?…

Note : Dans une vidéo, Zachée (personnifié par Gabriel Couture) se présente lui-même à :
Et une autre réflexion est disponible sur un thème différent en anglais à :

Source : Image :



28th Sunday of Year A

On this Sunday (28th of Year A) we are given another of those parables well-known to us: the invitation to a wedding party (Mt.22:1-14).
Who would want to miss this? But, obviously, some people are not keen on the idea…
The gospel text says as much: “They were not interested…” (v.5)

Looking at the gospel narratives as a whole, I realize that many of the texts show us scenes of… INVITATIONS.
It is obvious for the first disciples, Andrew and John, who were told: “Come and see… (Jn.1:39).”
The invitation was addressed, in one form or another, to all the apostles.
Matthew, among others, was asked to leave his tax collector work and follow Jesus (Mt.9:9).
And all the others accepted as well to join the group of Jesus’ close followers.

Much later, Thomas was invited to a life of a faith which no longer admits of doubt: “Doubt no longer but believe” (Jn.21:27).

Nicodemus (Jn.3:1-16) was invited to be born anew…

The Samaritan woman (Jn.4:5-30) was invited (requested…) to give Jesus water so that, in turn, he may do the same for her, but giving water of a different kind.

The adulterous woman (Jn.8:1-11) was invited to a new life leaving behind her old ways: “Go away, and don’t sin anymore.”

The scribe asking the question (Lc.10:25-37) about his ‘neighbour’ was invited – more still, was told – to “do the same…”

In subtle, and not so subtle ways (as in today’s parable), the Pharisees too had been invited: “If I speak the truth, why do you not believe me?” (Jn.8:46). “Walk while you have the light or the dark will overtake you” (Jn.12:35). But they stubbornly refused any such invitation.

And Zachée (Lc.19:1-10) had his own special invitation: in fact, Jesus invited himself to his place asking him to be his host. Quite an invitation! 

And then, there was the rich young man (Lc.18:18-23) invited to follow Jesus, but his attitude resembled very much that of today’s invited guests of the parable… “He turned away sad…” 

Every one of them had a choice to make, a decision to take – this is what invitations are about!

Looking at my own life, I can notice as well a whole series of invitations from God – I could make a long list of them.
And I guess that you could make such a list for yourself.

Some of those requests from God, I accepted… sometimes reluctantly, sometimes wholeheartedly.
It happened that I debated with myself and I had to overcome my laziness, my indifference, my ‘busy-ness’ with so many other concerns…
At times, to my shame I must admit that… I was not very much interested… God had to convince me with ways that are uniquely his!

And, I find myself today, still on the way – on the way to readily welcome God’s interventions in my life, for this is what his invitations are.
Interventions of his to help me grow in readiness and willingness to welcome him in my day-to-day life and experiences.
This is THE way to taste the deep JOY of sharing in this exceptional feast he has prepared for me!

Source: Images: Pinterest,