We have four different versions of the gospel. Matthew and Mark, Luke and John, have each written an account of Jesus’ life. They have recorded for us the words and actions of Jesus. We can read about his preaching, his travelling through Palestine, his healing people. The evangelists have not […]
The Alphabet of Lent – Letter N
N for Nourish Food is an essential part of daily life, wherever in the world we find ourselves. Nowadays, publicity does not fail to display what is seen as appropriate choices in terms of food. Advice, recommendations, suggestions of healthy dishes, information about diets, nothing is missing. It is interesting […]
The Alphabet of Lent – Letter A
A for ABUNDANCE This is what each one desires, to own things, yes, but more still: to possess in abundance. We think immediately of money, material goods of all kinds. But one imagines also: excellent health, much power, influence over many people. To enjoy all that one can obtain and… […]