image-i-nations trésor

2nd Sunday of Easter, Year B – 2024

We have four different versions of the gospel.
Matthew and Mark, Luke and John, have each written an account of Jesus’ life.
They have recorded for us the words and actions of Jesus.
We can read about his preaching, his travelling through Palestine, his healing people.

The evangelists have not written in the form of what we call nowadays ‘a biography’.
Their purpose was not to relate all the details of Jesus’ life.
Coming close to the end of his text, John reveals to us his aim in writing:

“Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples,
which are not recorded in this book.
But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God,
and that by believing you may have life in his name” (John 20:30-31).

Believing, not in a set of propositions – even if they are true.
Believing, not in a series of facts – even if they can be proved.
Believing, not in a list of events – even if they have really happened.

But believing ins SOMEONE – “Jesus as the Son of God”.

Believing in him… Trusting him… Relying on him…

John assures us that believing in this Man-God, Jesus, we will have life.
This is the very reason why Jesus came to live among us – he said it openly:

“I have come so that they (the people – all of us) may have life and have it to the full” (John 10:10).

Life now… Life later… Life for ever…
A life that exceeds all we could dream of, or hope for…

“God whose power works in us, can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine…” (Ephesians 3:20).


Note: Another text is available on a different theme, in French, at:


Source: Images: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

The Alphabet of Lent – Letter N

N for Nourish

Food is an essential part of daily life, wherever in the world we find ourselves.
Nowadays, publicity does not fail to display what is seen as appropriate choices in terms of food.
Advice, recommendations, suggestions of healthy dishes, information about diets, nothing is missing.

It is interesting to note that the topic of nourishment comes back also… in the gospels!
More than once, Jesus speaks about it.
The texts of the gospel speak at least twice about occasions that lead to a memorable miracle.

The text of Luke shows us the apostles, after a long period of teaching, asking Jesus to send back the people (Luke 9:12-17).
“Send the crowd away so they can go to the surrounding villages and countryside and find food and lodging”.

We know what happened: Jesus nourished (provided food for) the crowd of 5000 people by multiplying five loaves and two fishes.

An interesting detail is given to us at the end of the story of the young daughter of Jairus whom Jesus brought back to life.
The text mentions clearly:

“Jesus told them to give her something to eat (Luke 8:55).

Yet, we must remember what took place during Jesus’ retreat in the desert.
Tempted by Satan to change stones into loaves of bread to feed himself, Jesus replied to the one tempting him:

“A human being does not live on bread alone,
but on every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4).

Deeper still is the affirmation of Jesus who says:
“I am the bread of life,
he who comes to me will never be hungry” (John 6:34).

During this period of Lent, it is good to ask oneself what truly satisfies us…
Does the word of God nourish me every day?…
Do I welcome his presence – bread-of-life – giving me the abundant life (John 10:10) that he offers me from day to day?…

Perhaps I would need to adjust… my menu…


Source: Images: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints



The Alphabet of Lent – Letter A


This is what each one desires, to own things, yes, but more still: to possess in abundance.
We think immediately of money, material goods of all kinds.
But one imagines also: excellent health, much power, influence over many people.

To enjoy all that one can obtain and… without measure!
A little does not satisfy. Much? This is not enough yet!

One day, Jesus said clearly why he had come to live our planet Earth and share our existence.
He has declared:

“I have come that they (the sheep) may have life and have it to the full (in abundance) (John 10:10).

The sheep – one must read: human beings – we are the sheep!
And the abundance that he desires for us goes far beyond what we can imagine:
“Life to the full”, in abundance”.

At the beginning of this period of Lent, let our imagination – and our desire – be stretched…
And let our heart open itself to the abundance that God offers us!…


Source: Image: (Michael Burrows)