image-i-nations trésor

6è dimanche de Pâques, année A – 2020

On nous a appris qu’un MYSTÈRE est quelque chose que l’on ne peut pas comprendre.
C’est une définition un peu… boîteuse.
Je préfère celle qui dit qu’un MYSTÈRE est quelque chose de
tellement grand, tellement profond, tellement extraordinaire, tellement merveilleux
que l’on n’a jamais fini de le découvrir!

Cela s’applique au texte de l’évangile de ce dimanche (Jn.14:15-21).
La scène nous présente Jésus partageant avec ses disciples son dernier repas avant sa Passion.
En un tel moment, quand on sait la mort proche, on parle de choses essentielles, ça va de soi!

Jésus dit:
“Le Père vous donnera un autre Défenseuret il sera en vous…
vous reconnaîtrez que je suis en mon Père,
que vous êtes en moi, et moi en vous.”

Grand. Profond. Extraordinaire. Merveilleux.
Y a-t-il quelque chose qui puisse l’être davantage que cette réalité?

C’est la réalité du… ‘secret’ de Dieu.
L’apôtre Paul en parle comme du “mystère caché de tous temps en Dieu” (Éph.3:9).
Dieu, depuis toujours, voulait avoir des enfants qui partagent sa vie,
des enfants – à son image et à sa ressemblance – (Gn.1:27)
des enfants qu’il puisse aimer au point de vivre en eux, en elles,
pour toujours… et ce aujourd’hui même!

Jésus a prié pour qu’iI en soit ainsi (v.16);
je ne peux imaginer que SA prière ne soit pas exaucée!

Note: Une autre réflexion est disponible sur un thème différent en anglais à:


Source: Image: Wallpaper Safari


6th Sunday of Easter, Year A – 2020

After nearly two months of confinement and of social distancing, some people are longing to see…
the light at the end of the tunnel.
With the daily statistics of the Coronavirus more often going up rather than down,
people themselves start feeling… down.

No wonder that we need to repeat and remind one another:

Do we really believe it?
Do we still HOPE that it will come true?

In today’s 2nd reading (1 P 3:15-18), the apostle Peter tells the first Christians:
“Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you
to give the reason for the hope that you have.
Do we still have hope and what kind of hope is ours?
We may try to make ourselves believe in better days but we soon find out that…
it does not always work.

What we need is the hope that comes from the promise given to us in today’s gospel message (Jn.14:15-21):

“I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever… the Spirit…”
 “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. I live, you also will live…”
“He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him.”
This is solid ground, this is reliable support, this is unfailing assistance:
it is indeed true HOPE.

Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at:


Source: Image: King James Bible



6th Sunday of Easter, Year A

During the years he spent with his apostles, Jesus had spoken very often of THE Father, HIS Father.
I imagine that they had, somehow, got an idea of who he was… God, the God of their ancestors, and Jesus was his special messenger.

But the HOLY SPIRIT…?…
I ask myself what the apostles understood when Jesus mentioned him.

Of course, there is a mention of the spirit hovering over the waters in the creation narrative (Gn.1:2).
The book of Wisdom also speaks of God’s Spirit (Wis.1:6).

But in today’s gospel (6th Sunday of Easter, Year A – Jn. 14:15-21), Jesus describes THE Spirit – the one the Father will send in his name – as a living being that will interact with the apostles.

“I shall ask the Father,
and he will give you another Advocate,
to be with you for ever, the Spirit of truth…
He is with you, he is in you.”

The apostles discovered the deep meaning of this reality – the reality of this special Presence of God – throughout their lives.

The same is to take place in our own lives… from day to day.

Source: Image: