WORDS… Words… words spoken, uttered, expressed…Words written, copied, translated…Words whispered, shouted, sung… They reach us, surprise us, fascinate us…They amaze us, shock us, sadden us…They form us, transform us, leave us… indifferent. But more than this, beyond these, there is THE Word –this Word that we have been celebrating during […]
33rd Sunday of Year B – 2024
The text of today’s gospel is somehow enigmatic (Mark 13:23-32). Events to come are described in what is known as apocalyptic language which is mysterious. It is the kind of language used by some of the prophets of the Old Testament. Some Scripture scholars mention that this text refers to […]
All Souls’ Day – 2nd November
November 2nd returns every year, of course. And every year, too, it brings back to our minds the recollection that, one day,… we will leave this abode of ours. We will cross to… the other shore and start, yes, a new life. Some are much afraid of this happening. Some say […]