Human beings are complex beings, to say the least! Somehow, we know this from experience. The scene of the Last Supper of Jesus with his apostles gives us a vivid picture of it as well (Jean 13:1-15). Especially the dialogue between Jesus and Peter. It starts silently as Jesus comes […]
Holy Thursday, Year A – 2023
We know that God is all powerful. We call him ‘the Almighty’ (Psalm 91:1). We repeat that he can do all things (Jeremiah 32:27). We have learned that “nothing is impossible to God” (Luke 1:37). And yet… yet, on this very special day – Holy Thursday – we have yet […]
Holy Thursday, Year C – 2022
Parents sometimes ask their children: “Do you understand?” A teacher will ask the same question to a class of students. A contractor may use the same words addressing workers at a building site. « Do you understand? » When, at the Last Supper, Jesus asked this question from his apostles (John 13:1-15), […]