image-i-nations trésor

Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, Year B –2024

A star… a sign… an intuition…
A question… a dream… a decision…

Our lives are made of such, are they not?
The situations we find ourselves in are often made of these elements.
It happens that things are clear-cut and obvious.
But, very often, we are faced with events that are puzzling and confusing.
We ask ourselves questions, we wonder about the best course of action.

On this feast of the Epiphany, we meet Wise Men who were faced with this (Matthew 2:1-12).
They received a sign which they interpreted, and they set out on a journey.
They later received a dream, and having discovered its meaning, they acted accordingly.

A new year has just dawned, and we will most probably have to do the same.
Happenings and events will call for some interpretation.
Situations and circumstances will demand of us decisions of different kinds.

We will be asked to set out on a journey – the journey of life –
and, from day to day, we will need to keep on going on the way…

The stars in the sky, and our nightly dreams, may not show us the path to follow.
But God’s Spirit who has moved the seers and the saints of past times, can do so.

And HE WILL, if we only ask him to guide us on the way…


Note: Another text is available on a different theme, in French, at:


Source: Image: Aleteia




Palm Sunday, Year C – 2022

The following reflection is about the Gospel at the beginning of the celebration before the blessing of the palms (branches) (Luke 19:28-40). A meditation on the gospel of the Passion will be given on Good Friday.

A day of jubilation.
A day where acclamation and recrimination compete surrounding a man coming into Jerusalem on a donkey.
With cries of joy, the crowd acclaims him as the descendant of king David.
The man’s adversaries want them to be shut up.

The scene is familiar but…
What is less familiar is Jesus’ attitude – in the past, he has been avoiding attempts to make him king (John 6:15).

And now, he accepts readily the glorious welcome that people give him – he seems to delight in it!
He does not shut up the people shouting praises but those who want to silence them.

None of the gospel texts tells us why Jesus acted in this way…
Jesus himself did not explain the reason of this unusual display of mastery –
he, himself, had arranged it having sent two of his apostles to get the donkey in the first place!

We cannot guess, or imagine, what led him to do this – whatever we think is pure fantasy.
But possibly – perhaps – Jesus could have wanted these ordinary people to know that they were right…
They were right in recognizing him as God’s messenger in their midst.
They come close to him rejoicing that God has made himself close to them…

An approximation… an intuition… an inspiration… as to what, WHO the real God is –
a God close to us, ever present to all that we live. 
Could this intuition be ours… and could we delight in it as much people did on that day!


Note: Another reflection, on a different theme, is available in French at:


Source: Images: Pinterest




19è dimanche de l’année A – 2020

Vous a-t-on déjà dit : ‘Écoute ta petite voix.’
La personne qui parle ainsi suggère de prêter attention à… à quoi au juste?

Une intuition, peut-être, le souvenir d’une expérience passée…
Avant de faire un choix, ou de prendre une décision, on affirme qu’il est sage justement d’écouter cette ‘petite voix’.
Ce n’est pas un commandement, ni une injonction, mais quelque chose de plus intime et de plus urgent.
Quelque chose qui inspire et engage à une prise de conscience.

C’est l’expérience du prophète Élie que nous présente la 1ère lecture de ce dimanche (1 R.19:9,11-13).
Mais sa ‘petite voix’ à lui est personnifiée – elle est celle-là même de l’Éternel!

La section du texte présentée aujourd’hui affirme d’abord d’où la voix ne vient PAS –
pas dans l’ouragan, le tremblement de terre ou le feu.
Autrement dit : pas dans les manifestations traditionnelles de Yahweh auxquelles se fiaient les Juifs y reconnaissant la présence du Dieu de leurs pères.

Pour Élie, c’est la mention d’une brise légère qui identifie cette voix unique –
légère, oui mais combien puissante et engageante!

Se pourrait-il que notre ‘petite voix’ à nous le soit aussi?
Se pourrait-il que nos intuitions, nos ‘inspirations’ soudaines soient également porteuses de révélation?
Pourraient-elles nous mettre en présence de l’Éternel qui est toujours en attente de se manifester à nous?

Évidemment, ce n’est pas chaque idée que nous qualifions de ‘lumineuse’ qui est de lui.
On ne peut lui attribuer tout ce qui vient soudainement à l’esprit et nous pousse ici et là.
Mais à certains moments, dans une situation ou une autre, il parle, il attire, il inspire – définitivement.

Il s’agit d’identifier SA voix, de reconnaître son message et… de suivre l’inspiration qu’il offre.

Note: Une autre réflexion est disponible en anglais sur un thème différent à:
Source: Image: Free Bible Images