World Arthritis Day – 12 October

On October 12th of each year, World Arthritis Day spreads awareness about the most prevalent disease in the world. This awareness day highlights the need for early diagnosis and treatment. More than 50 million adults and 300,000 children in the United States have arthritis. By the year 2040, an estimated […]

Journée mondiale de l’arthrite 12 – octobre

La Polyarthrite Rhumatoïde est une maladie auto-immune (c’est à dire qu’elle est le résultat d’un dysfonctionnement du système immunitaire), évolutive et chronique. Elle se caractérise par une inflammation puis une destruction du cartilage de l’os et des tendons. Chaque crise est susceptible de générer des lésions articulaires. La répartition par […]

World Lupus Day – 1 May

Imagine being bothered by sunlight, being covered in a rash, suffering fatigue, mouth sores, kidney and joint problems, as well as experiencing substantial hair loss and the swelling of lymph nodes. Sounds awful, doesn’t it? World Lupus Day was created to help us understand that this seemingly random grab bag […]