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International Archives Day – 9 June

IAD2016The UNESCO General Conference at its 33rd session in Paris 2005 proclaimed the 27th October as the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage. The World Day is an appropriate opportunity to raise public awareness of the importance of audiovisual archives. It brings new incentives to the benefit of the preservation of these archives. This was an excellent initiative, but these are not the only archives that are at risk and in need of attention.

This is the reason why the ICA decided at its Annual General Meeting in November 2007  to launch the International Archives Day by its own, on the 9th of June. The date was obvious: on the 9th of June 1948, the International Council on Archives was created under the auspices of the UNESCO. This choice was adopted by ICA Executive Board, and adopted by the archives community as a whole.

Why and International Archives Day?
One might think that we have got a full calendar of international days to celebrate. However the public’s image of the archives is foggy: often confused with libraries, archives continue to be perceived as documents for internal use only, which are difficult to access and are of interest only to historians. The perception of records and archives by the public and the organizations that create them is not clear. This troubled image has an impact on the financial and human resources that responsible managers and administrators dedicate to records and archives operations and/or institutions.

It is therefore essential to remember that records and archives are documents, created, received and maintained as evidence and information by an organization or person, in pursuance of legal obligations, or in the transaction of business. Archival records are those documents that are preserved by their creators, successors or an appropriate archive institution because of their legal value or enduring historical significance. Archives constitute a major cultural heritage and information resource. The archival heritage is a valuable testimony about the economical, political and social development of humanity. The diversity of archival sources and formats is considerable. To ensure the preservation of these sources, a comprehensive approach that considers all types and formats of archives, is required. It is not possible to focus solely on one type of record, as other categories of archives also deserve attention.

Source: Text:  

ICA invites you to celebrate the 2016 International Archives Day on the theme “Archives, Harmony and Friendship”. As you will know, this is also the theme of the 2016 ICA Congress in Seoul.

Source: Text & Image: International Archives Day

Journée Internationale des Archives – 9 juin

archivesLe saviez-vous ? il existe un congrès international des Archives… Lors de celui de 2004, qui s’est tenu à Vienne (en Autriche), les participants ont demandé aux Nations Unies de créer une Journée Internationale des Archives… et ils ont obtenu une journée mondiale du patrimoine audiovisuel, qui est célébrée chaque 27 octobre.

Mais les archivistes n’ont pas dit leur dernier mot et, dans certains pays ils ont rapidement réussi à organiser leur journée nationale des archives, pour sensibiliser le public et les décideurs à l’importance de l’archivage des documents et la constitution d’une mémoire de nos créations.

ICA + UNESCO = Journée Mondiale
La réussite de ces journées nationales a finalement décidé l’ICA (Conseil International des Archives) à lancer sa propre Journée Internationale des Archives, chaque 9 juin. Le choix de la date ne doit rien au hasard, c’est en effet un 9 juin, en 1948, que le Conseil international des Archives a été créé sous les auspices de l’UNESCO. Bien entendu, nous vous invitons à archiver ce site sans plus attendre !

Un site à visiter :   Source: Texte & Image: Journée mondiale