Someone telling a group of friends that he, or she, has received some good news would set their minds thinking. Their curiosity would lead them to try and guess what this piece of good news can be… A promotion? Winning the lotto? Going on holidays? Perhaps the visit of a […]
1st Sunday of Lent, Year C – 2019
“It is too good to be true!” – no doubt, you have heard these words as well as I have. Some people do not want to be seen as naive, or gullible, believing easily any piece of good news. They are not trusting easily the messengers of happy tidings. Strange […]
3rd Sunday of Advent, Year B
In all religions, whatever be the name and description of a given set of beliefs, there are principles and prescriptions, rites, and rituals, and regulations, commandments and observances. Whichever way they are formulated, there are admonitions saying: “Thou shalt” and “Thou shalt not.” The language used indicates clearly the ‘should’, […]
World Communications Day – 28 May
The Holy See on 24 January 2017, the liturgical memorial of Saint Francis de Sales, patron saint of writers and journalists, released the Holy Father’s Message for the 51st World Communications Day. The Message of Pope Francis is entitled « Fear not, for I am with you (Isaiah 43:5): Communicating Hope […]