image-i-nations trésor

15th Sunday of Year A – 2023

In Jesus’ lifetime, sowing the seed for a harvest in Palestine was different from what is done nowadays here.
The gospel text of this Sunday (Matthew 13:1-23) tells us:

“Imagine a sower going out to sow…”

To imagine this scene, we must know that the method used would have been what we call:
‘sowing wildly’, or ‘sowing to the four winds’.

This is not a careful placing of some seeds in rows prepared to receive them.
The seeds are thrown haphazardly, they are cast far and wide without precision.

It is easy to conclude that the outcome will be different according to the place the seeds will eventually reach.

Listening to Jesus teaching, we can expect, as easily, that the same will happen with people.

Jesus’ words confirm our guess – people who receive the seed of God’s word react in different ways.

In Jesus’ parable, their attitude is compared to four types of ground:

  • The edge of the path…
  • Patches of rock with little soil…
  • Among thorns…
  • Rich soil…

Four words – starting with the letter S – can characterize the people themselves:

  • Superficial… God’s message is soon ‘gone with the wind’…
  • Senseless… people with no roots, no purpose in life…
  • Subdued… easily overcome by problems and obstacles…
  • Serious… about human existence and intent on finding its meaning…

I look at the words, I think of the personality they suggest, and I ask myself where do I belong?…
Suddenly, a comforting thought comes to my mind…

The seed cannot change the place where it is thrown but…
But a person can move from one position to another!
Superficial, senseless, subdued people can be transformed into…
the kind of people welcoming God’s word with their whole heart.

Welcoming God’s message,
and yielding a harvest
according to what God expects from each one individually.

A comforting thought indeed, and a promising perspective!…


Note: Another text is available on a different theme, in French, at:


Source: Image: freebibleimages


2nd Sunday of Lent, Year A – 2020

When someone tells us something surprising, unusual, we may hesitate to accept what we hear.
Seeing our doubt, the person speaking will insist and assure us that it is true.
He or she may add: ‘You have to take my word for it!’

The scene in today’s 1st reading (Gn.12:1-4) reminds me of such a situation.
We see Abram to whom God tells, in no uncertain terms, to leave his country:

 “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household 
to the land I will show you.”
God’s command – for this is what it is – is very clear,
but the country where Abram is to go is not clear!
The future is unknown and the country mysterious.
Abram has, literally, to take God’s word for it!

Somehow, we are often invited, if not ordered, to repeat this experience.
It seems, at times, that we have no choice but to venture in the dark,
trusting God, taking his word for it that he will be with us for better or for worse!

And he will.
Because his Word « God-with-us » has become one of us
and he has promised:

“I am with you always until the end of times.” (Mt.28:20)

Mysterious future? Perhaps.
Assured presence? Absolutely!

Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at:


Source: Image: Pinterest