Bible scholars and spiritual writers have much to say about Jesus in the gospel. Their texts help us to see better the Man of Nazareth and who he was. Their descriptions of his words and his ways lead us to understand better the kind of person he was. There is […]
24th Sunday of Year B
When the word ‘GOD’ is pronounced, several images can come to the minds of different people. Each person has, in some way, his or her own God. Of course, everyone claims it is the ‘true’ God, yet he is perceived in many ways. Is it a question of choosing the […]
29th Sunday of Year A
The last verse of this Sunday’s gospel text (29th of Year A – Mt.22 :15-21) is so well-know to us that we sometimes use it ourselves… for our own purposes! “Give back to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.” The meaning of the words is […]
16th Sunday of Year A
There is so much that is wrong in our world today, is it not so? The powerful bring suffering to the weak. The selfish – legions of them – grab all they can. The rich keep adding to their share while the poor have to manage on what they can […]
Feast of the Holy Trinity, Year A
If you mention the word ‘TRINITY’ to a group of theologians, or to some Scripture scholars, they will probably give you some lengthy explanations. Exegetes, theology professors, spiritual authors will probably do the same. Definitions and explanations, are their domain. Expounding on concepts and themes is very much part of […]
17th Sunday of the Year, C
Boldness is not usually appreciated – it is sometimes judged as a display of arrogance, the attitude of someone aggressive. But boldness is also recognised in someone courageous, daring, fearless. In the first reading of this Sunday (17th Sunday, Year C – Gn.18:2-32), we meet someone surprisingly bold! This text […]