Some years ago, I read a book entitled The God of Surprises. * Today, I ask myself whether a book has ever been written under the title of: The God of Paradoxes! This thought came to me as I read today’s gospel text (Mark 10:35-45). The two apostles, James and […]
Feast of Christ the King of the Universe, Year C – 2022
There was the day when, after multiplying the loaves, Jesus escaped from the people who wanted to make him king (John 6:14). On another day, he entered Jerusalem, sitting on a donkey acclaimed by the crowd as “the king of Israel” (John 12:13). A […]
34th Sunday of Year B, Feast of Christ the King – 2021
He came, long ago, but some still speak about him. What he said, what he did, what he taught, how he related to people. It was said that: “Nobody ever spoke like this man” (John 7:46). He was… different, yes, everyone could see this, different yet… There was something […]
22nd Sunday of the Year A
Some texts of Scripture are comforting and encouraging. Others are demanding and quite challenging. This is the case with the words we hear in the readings of this Sunday (22nd of Year A). In his letter to the Romans, Paul invites them (12:1-2) to something especially difficult when he tells […]