When we experience something good, we would like this experience to last. What we enjoy, we would want to keep on enjoying. Today’s gospel text shows us a vivid example of this (Matthew 17:1-9). Three of Jesus’ apostles see him transfigured, he appears glorified before them. So, Peter says […]
5th Sunday of Year C – 2022
The mention of the word GOD can bring different images to our minds, images and feelings. Sad to say, often the first feeling that arises within us is… fear. It has been so through the history of humanity – people have been afraid of the God they worshipped. The 1st […]
31st Sunday of Year C – 2019
Every Sunday, we are given some Bible texts to reflect upon. They help us in different ways: teaching and instructing us, guiding and inspiring us. The 1st reading (Wis.11:22 – 12:2) and the Psalm (Ps.145:1-2,8-11,13-14) of this Sunday give us a description of God, they tell us what kind of […]