image-i-nations trésor

Feast of the Holy Trinity, Year A – 2020






There is an activity that some of us enjoy doing from time to time.
It is that of clearing out things –
we look at them, sort them out, discard some, and push others into another place.
We may get busy with that in the house, the garage, the garden shed, or simply an old cupboard.
It can be with items of clothing, utensils, tools, or the toys of the children.

But could we do the same with… our minds?
Would we be ready to do it also about…GOD?

Today’s feast of the Holy Trinity is perhaps the appropriate moment to do this:
Removing from our minds and hearts…
our false ideas, our incorrect concepts, our mistaken beliefs, about God –
all that is not according to what he, HIMSELF, says about who he is.

We hear him tell us in today’s 1st reading (Ex.34:4-6,8-9):

“The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious,
longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth.”

This is what he is, what he wants to be, for each one of us.
If we could only understand this… and delight in his mercy and graciousness!

Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at:


Source: Images: Unsplash



Feast of the Holy Trinity, Year A

If you mention the word ‘TRINITY’ to a group of theologians, or to some Scripture scholars, they will probably give you some lengthy explanations.
Exegetes, theology professors, spiritual authors will probably do the same.
Definitions and explanations, are their domain.
Expounding on concepts and themes is very much part of their expertise. 

Strangely enough, if you look for the word ‘TRINITY’ in the Bible, you will NOT find it!
You may think that it is amazing but it is true.
This word came to be used in the Christian language only late in the fourth century.
It was at that time that this term was used to express the faith of Christian believers.

But, you will find, yes, you will discover in the New Testament, the expression of this REALITY of a God who is one and who manifests Itself (this pronoun is not masculine or feminine) in three Persons.

It is in the chapters 14 to 17 of the gospel of John that we can perceive this most clearly.
There, we hear Jesus repeatedly speaking of the FATHER and of the SPIRIT as being one and himself being one with them.

The first reading of this feast of the Holy Trinity (Ex.34:4-6,8-9) tells us that God is “a God of tenderness and compassion, rich in kindness and faithfulness.”
So, what we celebrate on Trinity Sunday is this tenderness and compassion reaching us in a fatherly way, in the brotherly way of a Saviour, in the way of One who is our Advocate – for this is what they are to us and for us: the Father, the Son and the Spirit.

What more could be said?

Source: Image: Pinterest

Fête de la Sainte Trinité, année A

Depuis l’aube de l’humanité consciente d’elle-même, les humains ont aussi pris conscience d’un Être au-delà de leur existence.
Un être qui soit le plus grand, le plus fort, le plus élevé, le meilleur en tout quoi!
Les humains pressentaient que Dieu était tout cela mais ils voulaient que ce pressentiment devienne connaissance – oui, ils voulaient vraiment connaître Dieu. 

Et depuis cette aube si lointaine dans le temps, ce désir est né et… il est toujours avec nous, en nous.
Connaître Dieu ! Est-ce possible?
Il est déjà si difficile de connaître ceux et celles qui nous entourent, partageant la même humanité.
Il est même parfois si compliqué de… se connaître soi-même!
Peut-on oser prétendre connaître Dieu? 

La merveilleuse réalité est qu’il s’est fait connaître, il s’est révélé lui-même nous apprenant qui il est.
Dans la 1ère lecture de cette fête de la Sainte Trinité (Ex 34, 4b-6.8-9), c’est lui qui nous dit :
« Dieu tendre et miséricordieux, lent à la colère, plein d’amour et de vérité. » 

Et l’évangile (Jn.3 :16-18) continue cette révélation en affirmant :
« Dieu a tellement aimé le monde qu’il a donné son Fils unique,
afin que quiconque croit en lui ne se perde pas, mais obtienne la vie éternelle. »

Que peut-on ajouter à cette révélation de Dieu qui nous introduit à ce point à son être même?!

Source: Image: Pinterest