Going on an excursion in unknown territory, people used to take with them a compass. This small instrument was meant to guide them on the way – it would show them how to guide their steps to reach their destination. Nowadays a new kind of instrument is available with the […]
Diwali 2021
This year from November 2th to the 6th, our Hindu friends, neighbours and colleagues are celebrating the feast of DIWALI, « the festival of lights ». The festival spiritually signifies the victory of good over evil. Ahead of the feast, people clean and decorate their homes and offices. They light up lamps […]
20th Sunday of Year B
Going through the readings of this Sunday (20th Sunday of Year B), I am surprised at the number of… recommendations… injunctions… commands… we are given to take into consideration! I note but a few and I find them… quite demanding… “Leave your folly and you will live, walk in the […]
24th Sunday of the Year A
The parable of Jesus in the gospel of this Sunday (24th Sunday of Year A – Mt 18:21-35) is well-known but, I must admit, I never get used to its… demanding message! Simply put, the last verse says that if we do not forgive others, God will not forgive us either. […]
16th Sunday of Year A
There is so much that is wrong in our world today, is it not so? The powerful bring suffering to the weak. The selfish – legions of them – grab all they can. The rich keep adding to their share while the poor have to manage on what they can […]
World Communications Day – 28 May
The Holy See on 24 January 2017, the liturgical memorial of Saint Francis de Sales, patron saint of writers and journalists, released the Holy Father’s Message for the 51st World Communications Day. The Message of Pope Francis is entitled « Fear not, for I am with you (Isaiah 43:5): Communicating Hope […]
This year from November 11th to the 15th, our Hindu friends, neighbours and colleagues are celebrating the feast of DIWALI, « the festival of lights ». The festival spiritually signifies the victory of good over evil. Ahead of the feast, people clean and decorate their homes and offices. They light up lamps […]