World Youth Day is a global gathering where young people deepen their faith, experience the universality of the Catholic Church, and commit their lives to Christ alongside hundreds of thousands of like-minded peers. The Archbishop of Seoul, S. Korea invites you to WYD Seoul 2027! See you at WYD Seoul […]
The Alphabet of Lent – Letter W
W for Wonder There are words which, while having the same spelling, can have different meanings. This is the case with the word: WONDER. One can be wondering in the sense that he/she is asking questions about a certain thing. He is wondering about the truth of a statement, while […]
12th Sunday of the Year, A
« To speak or not to speak: that is the question”, some would say… This is what we are confronted with in the last lines of this Sunday’s gospel (Mt.10:26-33, 12th Sunday of the Year, Year A) as we hear Jesus tell us: “If anyone declares himself for me in the […]