12th Sunday of Year A – 2023

“Life is not easy” – nobody would rashly deny this statement. Everyone has in mind many occasions when this has proved true. Difficulties of all kinds come our way and make life something of a struggle. How do people cope with situations where they are faced with problems? What do […]

International Firefighters’ Day – 4 May

 “The role of a firefighter in today’s society – be it urban, rural, natural environment, volunteer, career, industrial, defense force, aviation, motorsport, or other is one of dedication, commitment, and sacrifice – no matter what country we reside and work in. In the fire service, we fight together against one […]

16th Sunday of Year A

There is so much that is wrong in our world today, is it not so? The powerful bring suffering to the weak. The selfish – legions of them – grab all they can. The rich keep adding to their share while the poor have to manage on what they can […]