International Biodiversity Day – 22 May 2024

What is Biodiversity? Biodiversity describes the wide range of life forms on Earth, spanning from genes to entire ecosystems. It encompasses the processes that maintain life, including evolution, ecology, and cultural practices. Biodiversity encompasses not only rare, threatened, or endangered species but all living beings, from well-known organisms like humans […]

World Turtle Day – 23 May

Turtles are a type of reptile that exists in many environments throughout the world and have found their way into literature, poetry, and parable throughout the world’s history. World Turtle Day celebrates these noble reptiles and their place in the world and encourages people to take action to help protect […]

World Tapir Day- 27 April

There’s an odd little creature that’s a native of Central and South America, and can even be found in SE Asia. What kind of odd critter? Well, it looks a bit like a pig, with it’s general build and toes with hooves, but it also looks a bit, just a […]

World Penguin Day – 25 April

Penguins are some of the most adorable, lovable and impressive creatures in the animal kingdom, so why not dedicate a day to these flightless birds? World Penguin Day is a celebratory and educative initiative that encourages people to learn more about penguins and their environment, how important they are to […]

World Wildlife Day – 3 March

On 20 December 2013, the Sixty-eighth session of the United Nations General Assembly decided to proclaim 3 March as World Wildlife Day to celebrate and raise awareness of the world’s wild fauna and flora. The date is the day of the adoption of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild […]

International Zebra Day – 31 January

International Zebra Day: Top 5 facts about these striped animals On 31 January, people around the world will be marking International Zebra Day – a special day to celebrate these magnificent animals. Native to Africa, there are several species of zebra which can found in the wild in different countries […]

World Rhino Day – 22 September

RHINOCEROS: AFRICA’S ARMOURED GIANT SPECIES: BLACK RHINOWHITE RHINO  CRITICALLY ENDANGERED (AROUND 5200 REMAIN) DICEROS BICORNIS  Affected by: Illegal wildlife trade The rhinoceros is Africa’s armoured giant – like a tank on legs – and has been on our planet for millions of years. But right now they need our help. Poaching […]