image-i-nations trésor

10th Sunday of Year B – 2024

Excusing oneself by accusing someone else – this is as old as the world, it seems!
Today’s Scripture texts are inviting us to reflect on this.

The 1st reading reminds us of the well-known story of Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:9-15).
Questioned by God about their misdeed, the man accuses his wife while she, in turn, accuses the serpent.

And in today’s gospel, we meet the Scribes challenging Jesus (Mark 3:20-25).
Unable to accept Jesus as having the power of God, they accuse him of being possessed by Satan.
They claim that he is casting out devils by Beelzebul, the prince of devils.

The daily news broadcast is full of examples of such attitudes: blaming others and failing to accept one’s responsibility.
Or, refusing to accept the good accomplished by someone fearing that it overshadows one’s reputation.

We can lament such duplicity, dishonesty, lack of transparency.
It seems that there is plenty of deceitfulness and double-dealing in our world,

But… we should turn our look inwards and ask ourselves whether we are immune to such behavior.

In the text of the scene related in the 1st reading we see that:
“The man and his wife… hid from the Lord in the trees of the garden”.

“The Lord called to the man: ‘Where are you?’
‘I heard the sound of you in the garden’;
he replied “I was afraid’…”

Hiding out of fear may be a natural reaction for many of us…
We may still be on the way to a more mature acknowledgement of what we do…

Hiding, pretending, scapegoating – all too human, some may say…
Less than truly human – it should be said…

Less than authentically Christ-like…


Note: Another text is available on a different theme, in French, at:


Source: Images:

25th Sunday of Year C – 2019

Shrewdness, cunning, cleverness, astuteness, flair – all these skills are more often associated with some type of behaviour which might not be altogether… honest!
When a person is described as cunning, people are inclined to think that there may be some duplicity or deceit in his ways.

In today’s gospel (Luke 16:1-13), we hear Jesus say:

“The people of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own kind
than are the people of the light.”
Could it not be that there is a cleverness that achieves some good?
Can we not find some cunning behaviour that benefits positively a person in need – and that in a totally honest manner?
Is it not possible that you and I could be astute in working to improve the lot of people around us?

What if “people of the light” – that all Christians are meant to be – became shrewd in the way Jesus means?!

Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at:


Source: Image: