image-i-nations trésor

23rd Sunday of Year C – 2022

We could say that the 1st reading of this Sunday (Wisdom 9:13-18) and the gospel (Luke 14:25-33) show us how to become wise.
They teach us to SEE and to FORESEE.

The first text tells us to
“discern what the Lord wills.”

While the gospel warns us that we should look ahead and plan for what we want to achieve –
whatever be our aim, we must prepare for what is ahead:
“sit down and estimate… consider” what is involved in our venture.

Of course, this concerns more than our daily activities – the construction of a building, or waging a war, are only two examples.
The words of Jesus go on to make it clear that he speaks of our lives as followers of his.

To ‘take up our cross’ will mean different things at different moments of our lives.
But it will involve being detached of certain things and people,
and being attached, committed, wholeheartedly to Christ and the way of life shown in the gospel.

That’s all – ALL of ourselves given to ALL that Christ asks of us!


Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at:


Source: Image:


2nd Sunday of Advent, Year C – 2021

It happens to most of us: we sometimes feel we have too much to do, too many things to see to.
The commitments we have taken on are just too many.
The people relying on us for help, or advice, are too many, and their demand on our time is more than we can afford to give.
We may sit down one night and say: « I can’t go on like this, I must make some choices, take some decisions.”

We see it: in such a situation, what is needed is to set some priorities.
What is the most important, to what should I first give my attention, my time, my energy?
In fact, what we need to do is… to discern.

This is exactly what the apostle Paul tells the Philippians to do.
In the 2nd reading of this Sunday, we hear his words (Ph.1:4-6,8-11):

“This is my prayer: (…) that you may be able to discern what is best.”
In this period of Advent, this may be what we, too, are called to do: see what is best.
Find out what is really important in life, what we should invest ourselves in.

  • Which are the commitments we can take on at the moment?
  • What are the causes that are worth giving our time and efforts to?
  • Who are the people really in need of assistance?
  • What are the values that should prompt us to act, or withdraw?

And… would God approve of my selection?
Is he the one inspiring me to move in this or that direction?

Discerning what is best… is all about that, and Advent is a good period to reflect on this.


Note: Another text is available on a different theme, in French at:

And in a short video, also in French, Ghislaine Deslières offers us another reflection on this 2nd Sunday of Advent at:


Source: Images: