Some people are known as not taking ‘NO’ as an answer! By definition, they keep on trying, trying to make you agree to something even if you have refused. This could be said of… God! Our betrayals, our denials, our refusals to trust him – all these will never make […]
30th Sunday of Year C – 2022
Reading the gospel text of this Sunday (Luke 18:9-14) some could exclaim: “This is the world upside down!” Somehow, it is! The last verse says: “All those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” It seems obvious from these words that we […]
15th Sunday of Year C – 2019
Some of Jesus’ parables are well-known, nearly too well-known, yet not known well enough… We may be tempted to think that his message is equally familiar but… Intellectual knowledge is one thing, daily living is another – we are aware of this! This Sunday’s parable of The Good Samaritan (Lk.10:25-37) […]
The Woman caught in adultery
Yes, she had been caught – the Pharisees had got hold of her. Now, already condemned by those self-righteous men she was waiting to be stoned… to death… But something unexpected happened!
5th Sunday of Lent, C
The past… OUR past… We can live in the past, with nostalgia… We can cling to the past traditions and customs… We can try to bury the past in forgetfulness… We can try not to face the past because of it being too shameful or painful… The 1st and the […]