Créée en 2003 aux Pays Bas, cette journée a été voulue par ses initiateurs comme étant « la journée la plus positive dans le monde ». L’être humain a besoin de reconnaissance Le principe est simple : l’être humain a besoin de reconnaissance, d’être mis en valeur pour se sentir bien. Alors […]
World Compliment Day – 1 March
HISTORY OF WORLD COMPLIMENT DAY After many successful celebrations of National Compliment Day, founder Hans Poortvliet from the Netherlands decided to turn it into World Compliment Day, dedicating a world-wide holiday to radiating positivity. March 1 is just about consciously reflecting on what someone in your community does well and […]
21st Sunday of Year A – 2020
In a gospel text that is well-known, I usually try to find an aspect which has perhaps gone unnoticed in the reflections and commentaries offered by different writers. In today’s gospel (Mt.16:13-20), my attention is drawn to the fact that Peter is being praised by Jesus. Peter must have been […]