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World Suicide Prevention Day – 10 September

History of World Suicide Prevention Day
It’s a tragic situation, with the death toll coming in at 42,773 people committing suicide each year in the United States alone, and for each one of those 25 people made the attempt. Over the world it’s even greater, an estimated 800,000 people commit suicide each year throughout the world, which is one every 40 seconds. What’s incredible is that just like the US statistic, it’s estimated that 25 times that attempt it, 4 million people over the world every year. There’s something of a ripple down effect that happens as well, those bereaved by the loss of a loved one to suicide are themselves more likely to commit suicide.

Thankfully there are organizations like the World Health Organization who fight to combat this epidemic. With the philosophy of ‘Connect, Communicate, Care’ they work to create a world in which suicide rates are reduced or even eliminated.

How to celebrate World Suicide Prevention Day
Celebrating World Suicide Prevention Day involves working to help fight suicide. One of the most effective techniques for this is following the ideals listed above. Connect with those who you discover may be in some form of emotional distress or considering suicide. Let them know they aren’t alone, and feel free to share bits of yourself in return, true connection requires a sharing, and those who are considering suicide are often adept at detecting false ones.

You also have to open the venues of Communication, to be able to truly let others feel like you’re a safe place they can come to and be taken seriously without judgement. Too often are those suffering from real debilitating depression and suicidal ideation met with comments like “You’re just making it up” or “You’re being melodramatic”, when in fact their struggles are very real. World Suicide Prevention Day encourages you to truly care about those around you, and to work to help end the epidemic before it claims someone you love.

Source: Text: Image:


23rd Sunday of Year B


A COMMUNICATION department might easily choose
such an illustration to advertise a coming workshop.

And, waiting for the lecturer, a scene such as this one
may be… well, the norm!

Nowadays, for many people, communication refers mostly to the ‘tools’ of communication but it is a simplified definition indeed.

The gospel text of this Sunday (23rd Sunday of Year B – Mk.7:31-37) helps us to reflect on COMMUNICATION in a different way.
The text presents us with the scene of Jesus healing a man who is deaf and who has a speech impediment.
His situation is one of being deprived of the ability to hear and the power to speak properly –
a sad condition indeed.

I like to imagine the condition of this man once he has been cured by Jesus…
It seems to me that he would delight in listening, he would pay attention to the sounds and voices.
And, slowly learning to speak, he would probably utter words with care while anticipating the outcome of what he is going to day.

Delight, attention, care, anticipation… are these not important ingredients of a good communication?

  • Delighting in what we can hear…
  • Paying attention to those who speak to us…
  • Being careful in what we say so as not to hurt…
  • Foreseeing what may result from the words spoken…

The gesture of Jesus is one healing and of liberation –
liberation for the give and take of sharing among people.
In this parable, perhaps there is more than meets the eye!

Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at:

Source: Images:


Journée mondiale du blog – 31 août

Le mot Blog est issu du mélange entre Web et Log c’est à dire littéralement un carnet de bord sur le net.
Est-il étonnant de voir apparaître une journée mondiale du blog ?
Pour beaucoup, phénomène de société, pour d’autre simple effet de mode.

Un petit blog pour la route ?
Les Blogs font parler d’eux seulement depuis quelques années en France, pourtant ils sont présents sur le net depuis quasiment le début de celui-ci. Quand, en 1993, Tim Berners Lee crée le premier site internet de l’histoire il est le premier blogger de l’histoire, sans le savoir.

Nouveaux moyens d’expression sur le net, ils ont l’avantage de pouvoir être créés facilement.
Coups de gueules, coups de cœurs, journaux intimes, albums photos, vies privées, successions de liens… on trouve réellement de tout dans la planète blog que d’aucuns nomment parfois la blogosphère.

« Blog bless the World »
Les célébrités et les politiciens ouvrent tous leur propre blog. Nouvelle forme de communication, outil marketing ? Madonna, toujours à la pointe, n’hésite pas à ouvrir son blog afin que « officiellement » tous ses fans puissent lui parler et laisser des messages directement et toujours « officiellement  » c’est elle-même qui y répond. Tout cela au moment où sort un nouvel album.

Les blogs permettent à des inconnus de devenir stars, comme Salam Pax qui au début de la guerre en Irak décrivait son quotidien à la façon d’un envoyé spécial.

Andy Warhol ne se trompait pas quand il annonçait : « A l’avenir, chacun aura son quart d’heure de célébrité mondiale. « 

Un site à visiter :       Source: Texte: Journée mondiale Images : Immo One


International Migrants Day – 18 December

Migration has been a courageous expression of the individual’s will to overcome adversity and to live a better life. Today, globalization, together with advances in communications and transportation, has greatly increased the number of people who have the desire and the capacity to move to other places. This new era has created challenges and opportunities for societies throughout the world. It also has served to underscore the clear linkage between migration and development, as well as the opportunities it provides for co-development, that is, the concerted improvement of economic and social conditions at both origin and destination. So, now let’s jump right into the past of what is International Migrant’s Day!

History of International Migrant’s Day
International Migrants Day is an international day overseen on the 18th of December as International Migrant’s Day, which was appointed by the General Assembly of the United Nations on December 4th 2000, after having taken into account the large and increasing number of migrants in the world. On December 18th 1990, the General Assembly adopted the international convention on the protection of the rights of migrant workers and members of their families. International Migrants Day is observed throughout many countries, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations through the spread of information on human rights and fundamental political freedoms of migrants, and through sharing of experiences and the design of actions to ensure the protection of migrants.

Migration, in the case of human beings is the act of moving from one place to another. Mainly moving from a country of origin to a new country to start new lives as permanent residents in their new home. Now, Nomadic movements are normally not regarded as migrations as there is no intention to settle in the new place and because the movement is generally seasonal. Only a few nomadic peoples have retained this form of lifestyle in modern times. Also, the temporary movement of people for the purpose of travel, tourism, pilgrimages, or the commute is not regarded as migration, in the absence of an intention to live and settle in the visited places.

Source: Text & Image: DAYSoftheYEAR

International day of the deaf – 30 September 2023

International day of the deaf. This day is celebrated worldwide on the initiative of the UN on the last Sunday of September, in honor of the establishment in 1951 of the International Federation of the deaf.

The beginning of the formation and development of societies deaf people in many countries has been made possible thanks to the meetings and associations of graduates of schools for the deaf.

The founder of facial communication method and a supporter of the language is considered to be the French of the Abbe Charles Michel de L’ÉPÉE, founded in the 18th century the world’s first Institute for the deaf in Paris. Since the beginning of the 19th century graduates of this institution, was built in the tradition of the birthday celebration de L’ÉPÉE. On the bicentennial anniversary of the birth of the great Frenchman, was invited many deaf people from different countries, and it became the first international meeting of the communities that initiated the contact.

On the planet about two and a half thousand tongues but there is one form of communication — language attitudes and gestures. In 50-ies of the world Federation of the deaf in order to maintain the international deaf events, we developed a special system of gestures, which he called Gestuno. In the first dictionary Gestuno, published in 1965, recorded 300 gestures, the third edition is already 1500.

Unlike Gestuno, the international language of gestures developed in a natural way, in the course of the study which noted the use of natural and iconic gestures, a large number of iterations, use drawings and labels, lexical and grammatical elements of national sign languages. Freer deaf and dumb man speaks the national language, the easier it is given to international communication.

A huge contribution to the development of sign language was made the General Secretary of the world Union of the Deaf Magicians, Simon Carmel. Carmel a long time exploring the life and culture of deaf people in different countries and is fluent in sign language. He is also the author of a book titled ‘international manual alphabet of the Deaf”, which describes 43 dactylic alphabet used in 59 countries around the world.

Source: Text & Image: Russian Events and Holidays


Journée mondiale de sensibilisation à l’autisme – 2 avril

Depuis décembre 2007, le 2 avril a été déclaré Journée mondiale de la sensibilisation à l’autisme par l’Organisation des Nations Unies.

En cette journée spéciale, de nombreuses villes au Québec suivront pour la première fois le mouvement Faites briller en bleu pour l’autisme. Des monuments et places publiques d’ici seront éclairés en bleu dans la nuit du 2 avril en soutien à la cause. Tous ceux qui souhaiteraient illuminer en bleu leur maison, leur école, leur lieu de travail, s’habiller en bleu ou organiser une activité originale autour de la couleur bleue sont invités à le faire partout au Québec !

Mieux comprendre Le syndrome d’Asperger fait partie du trouble du spectre de l’autisme. Les personnes qui en sont atteintes ont des difficultés d’interaction sociale, de communication et de perception cognitive. On ne peut pas en guérir, mais il est possible d’appliquer des stratégies éducatives et comportementales pour mieux vivre avec.

Source: Textes:        Lire la suite sur VIVA média : Journée mondiale de l’autisme: Vivre avec le syndrome d’Asperger   Image: Autisme Quebec

World Television Day – 21 November

world-television-day-e1416427368614-764x382The first World Television Forum was staged by the United Nations in the mid ’90s, and it was out of this event that World Television Day was born. The forum brought together leading figures from the media industry to analyze the growing impact that TV had on decision-making and public opinion when it comes to issues of peace and security around the planet.

The History of World Television Day

In December 1996 the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed the 21st of November World Television Day, the same year the first World Television Forum was held. According to the United Nations, this decision was taken in order to give recognition of the increasing impact television has had on decision-making by bringing various conflicts and threats to peace and security to the world’s attention, as well as its coverage of other major issues, including economic and social.

World Television Day is not meant to be so much a celebration of the electronic tool itself, but rather of the philosophy which it represents–a philosophy of openness and transparency of world issues. Television has long been thought to represent communication and globalization in the contemporary world. However, not all of the government representatives present saw matters quite that way.

The delegation from Germany said, “Television is only one means of information and an information medium to which a considerable majority of the world population has no access… That vast majority could easily look at World Television Day as a rich man’s day. They do not have access to television. There are more important information media and here I would mention radio in particular.”

Source: Texte & Image: DAYSoftheYEAR

International day of the deaf – 24 September

mejdunarodnyy-den-gluhonemyhThis day is celebrated worldwide on the initiative of the UN on the last Sunday of September, in honor of the establishment in 1951 of the International Federation of the deaf.

The beginning of the formation and development of societies deaf people in many countries has been made possible thanks to the meetings and associations of graduates of schools for the deaf.
The founder of facial communication method and a supporter of the language is considered to be the French of the Abbe Charles Michel de L’EPE, founded in the 18th century the world’s first Institute for the deaf in Paris.

Since the beginning of the 19th century graduates of this institution, was built in the tradition of the birthday celebration de L’EPE. On the bicentennial anniversary of the birth of the great Frenchman, was invited many deaf people from different countries, and it became the first international meeting of the communities that initiated the contact.

On the planet about two and a half thousand tongues but there is one form of communication — language attitudes and gestures. In 50-ies of the world Federation of the deaf in order to maintain the international deaf events, we developed a special system of gestures, which he called Gestuno. In the first dictionary Gestuno, published in 1965, recorded 300 gestures, the third edition is already 1500.

Source: Text & Image: Russian Events and Holidays

World Telecommunications Day – 17 May

world-telecommunications-day-e1447499439563-808x380World Telecommunications Day celebrates the constant evolution of one of the most important factors of our lives: communication. The main goal of World Telecommunications Day (WTD) is to highlight the importance of communication and how information travels across the world. It also aims to increase awareness of how crucial communication is in our lives, and stimulate the development of technologies in the field.

The World Telecommunications Day is in tight connections with the International Telegraph Union (ITU), the committee formed in 1865 to support the emerging communication methods of the time. ITU was present throughout all the great breakthroughs in communication – the invention of the telephone in 1876, the launch of the first satellite in 1957 and, ultimately, the birth of the Internet in the 60s. Even though The International Telegraph Union has since changed its name to International Telecommunications Union, it still remains the most important entity in the field of communications, thus remaining in the spotlight at World Telecommunications Day.

Source: Text & image:daysoftheyear