image-i-nations trésor

Feast of Mary, Mother of God, Year B – 1st January 2024

Proofs – there are all kinds of them, some more reliable than others, of course.
Some proofs are solid and justify our trust, others may be promising but they are rather whimsical.

When their origin is… God himself, proofs deserve our full attention.
Mysterious proofs… dependable proofs…

The text of today’s 2nd reading speaks of proof, and it offers a powerful message (Galatians 4:4-7):
“The proof that you are sons (children) is that God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts”. *

An amazing affirmation, is it not?
It may be that God knows that we do not always realize that we are indeed his children.
He reminds us of this through the apostle Paul writing to the first Christians of Galatia.

Often, we live our lives, from day to day, without being aware of this astonishing reality:
The Spirit of God makes us so and, in our name, dares to call God ‘Abba, Father’.

The period of Christmas has made us more conscious of God’s Son – Jesus who became a human being like us.
This feast of his Mother, Mary, may be a good opportunity for us to renew our conviction that we, too, are God’s children.


* Note from the author: This translation is from the Jerusalem Bible. Some other translations do not use the word ‘proof’.


Note: Another text is available on a different theme, in French, at:


Source: Image:




Feast of the Epiphany, Year C

Today’s feast – the Epiphany – is often called: ‘the Feast of the Kings’ referring to the Magi. They are presented to us as being three Wise Men that legend describes as kings.

If we accept this, the text of Matthew’s gospel today (Mt.2:1-12) refers to… five kings! You are puzzled…

Well, the three Magi, and… King Herod, and the one the Wise Men inquire about as being “the king of the Jews”!

The word ‘Epiphany’ means ‘manifestation’ – a manifestation that entails a revelation. As I reflect about this, I see in these five ‘kings’ a symbol of humanity itself.

William Shakespeare has written: “All the world’s a stage” – somehow the text of Matthew somehow illustrates this.

The Wise Men are the symbol of people searching, searching for someone – the one giving the meaning of life.

King Herod is the personification of authority gone astray, clinging to power and its privileges for the selfish satisfaction of his own self.

And the one mentioned by the Magi “the king of the Jews”– this new-born child, is ‘God-with-us’ giving to all of us the power of becoming truly children of God.

Perhaps, it could be said that… “Everyone’s a stage!…”
Deep within us is the seed of someone searching…

          Someone having to overcome selfishness…

         Someone newly-born as God’s own child!…


Note: Another reflection is available on a different theme in French at:


Source: Image: Jesus Walk


27th Sunday of Year B

The son of a king, or the daughter of the President of a country, do not hesitate to speak of their parents and their siblings.
They speak with pride of their family and (usually) they are not ashamed to mention their origin.

Strangely enough, to this day, I have never heard anyone boast – rightly so! – that he/she, is the son, or the daughter, of… God!
A smile must appear on your faces, you who are reading this text…
Has this thought never come to your mind? – for this is what we are as Christians!

This reflection came to me as I read the 2nd reading of this Sunday (27th Sunday of Year B – He.2:9-11).
Speaking of Christ, the text says:
“He openly calls them (men and women = us) brothers.
Another translation speaks in stronger words with the affirmation:
“Jesus is not ashamed of calling them brothers.”
If he recognizes us as his own siblings, why do we not do the same?…
The thought for this day………

Note: Another reflections is available on a different theme in French at:

Source : Image :