Proofs – there are all kinds of them, some more reliable than others, of course. Some proofs are solid and justify our trust, others may be promising but they are rather whimsical. When their origin is… God himself, proofs deserve our full attention. Mysterious proofs… dependable proofs… The text of […]
Feast of the Epiphany, Year C
Today’s feast – the Epiphany – is often called: ‘the Feast of the Kings’ referring to the Magi. They are presented to us as being three Wise Men that legend describes as kings. If we accept this, the text of Matthew’s gospel today (Mt.2:1-12) refers to… five kings! You are […]
27th Sunday of Year B
The son of a king, or the daughter of the President of a country, do not hesitate to speak of their parents and their siblings. They speak with pride of their family and (usually) they are not ashamed to mention their origin. Strangely enough, to this day, I have never […]