Feast of the Epiphany, Year B – 2021

The text of the gospel of the Feast of Epiphany is well known to us. We could repeat with much detail the story of the Magi searching for the new-born king and their visit to him. Yet, every year, there seems to be in the text something that speaks in […]

Feast of Christmas, Year B – 2020

Did you notice how, when surprised or caught unawares, some people will explain: “My God!” The words come not as a prayer but as a spontaneous exclamation. And yet, it could be a prayer… and it could be more than a prayer – it could be the sign that the […]

Feast of the Holy Family, Year A – 2019

The text of the 2nd reading of today’s Feast of the Holy Family (Col.3:12-21) could possibly provoke a verbal reaction: IMPOSSIBLE! To the Colossians – and to us – Paul says: “Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience…” And to this list, forgiveness and love are added for […]

Feast of the Body and blood of Christ, Year C – 2019

One could be tempted to give this Sunday’s gospel text (Lk.9:11-17) the following title: “The dynamics of problem solving: People’s way and… Jesus’ way.”  The way of people, very often, is exemplified by the apostles’ attitude: First, to tell Jesus what to do! “Send the people away…” And second, to […]

25th Sunday of Year B

Many of the gospel texts are well known to us – we know the stories; we know the people and the facts. We remember the parables and their message. The words of Jesus, at least many of them, echo in our memories. Yet, I wonder if, at times, some important […]