At times, listening to some people talking, we may hear a person say: “It’s all a question of planning”. True, much in life depends on the plans we make to achieve our goals. Strangely enough, this thought came to me as I reflected on the texts of this Feast of […]
30th Sunday of Year B – 2021
To speak about God and to call upon him, all kinds of names are used: God Almighty, Heavenly King, Creator of the universe, Master of all things, Ruler of the world, etc. Very early in the history of the people of Israel, their great leader, Moses, had asked God who […]
4th Sunday of Easter, Year B
The gospel of this Sunday (4th Sunday of Easter, Year B – Jn.10:11-18) is well known with its text on the Good Shepherd. The words of Jesus are familiar and the picture they suggest to our minds is one similar to the picture here – a man concerned about his […]
4th Sunday of Easter, Year A
If I pronounce the words: ‘The voice’, probably quite a few people will think of the television programme by this name. One characteristic of the programme is that those who are to judge the performers do not see them – they only hear, yes, their voices. This came to my […]