International Artist Day – October 25

We celebrate International Artist Day on October 25. Art as a creative human expression encapsulates myriad things. It portrays the beauty of life or a bitter reality. It records history, revolutions, rebellions, and sometimes is a means to escape them. In short, there is no history or culture without art. […]

13th Sunday of Year A – 2020

“Small is beautiful” – people like to repeat it. And it is true. A small drop of dew on a bud is a thing of beauty. Small things are beautiful and they are important. This is the thought that came to my mind as I read the last verse of […]

2nd Sunday of Lent, C

Recently, a TV programme was speaking of a survey among a large sample of women. The findings were quite amazing. The report showed that in the group of women who had been part of the survey, every one of them, yes, every single one of them, would have liked to […]