World Art Day – 15 April

World Art Day, a celebration to promote the development, diffusion and enjoyment of art, was proclaimed at the 40th session of UNESCO’s General Conference in 2019. Art nurtures creativity, innovation and cultural diversity for all peoples across the globe and plays an important role in sharing knowledge and encouraging curiosity and dialogue. […]

International Animation Day – 28 October

On October 28th, International Animation Day recognizes the artists, scientists, and technicians behind animated art. It’s also a day to celebrate all aspects of animation. When artists manipulate drawings to appear as moving pictures, they are creating animation. This art form has been used for more than 100 years to […]

International Artist Day – October 25

We celebrate International Artist Day on October 25. Art as a creative human expression encapsulates myriad things. It portrays the beauty of life or a bitter reality. It records history, revolutions, rebellions, and sometimes is a means to escape them. In short, there is no history or culture without art. […]

Psalm Sunday, Year A – 2020

“Who is this man?” The question is old… In fact, it is over 2000 years old… It comes at the last verse of this Palm Sunday gospel text (Mt.21:1-11). People acclaim Jesus entering Jerusalem on a donkey – they throw branches on the ground, they wave palms and they shout […]

World Art Day – 15 April

The IAA (International Association of Art) designated April 15 as World Art Day with the intention that it will be a day for all artists and art lovers in the world to celebrate, not only members of IAA. The idea is to create a day to emphasize the importance of […]