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World Arthritis Day – 12 October

On October 12th of each year, World Arthritis Day spreads awareness about the most prevalent disease in the world. This awareness day highlights the need for early diagnosis and treatment.

More than 50 million adults and 300,000 children in the United States have arthritis. By the year 2040, an estimated 78 million people in the U.S. will have arthritis. About 120 million people in the European Union live with arthritis. A total of 350 million people throughout the world have the disease. Arthritis and related conditions account for more than $156 billion in lost wages and medical expenses each year. The disease also results in one million hospitalizations a year.

Arthritis is commonly known as joint inflammation. There are over 100 types of arthritis. The two most common types include osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. While there is no cure for this disease, treatments are available. Doctors prescribe painkillers, anti-inflammatory medications, and injections called corticosteroids to treat arthritis. Physical therapy and chiropractic care can also help reduce pain and inflammation. For some, surgery, such as joint replacement or joint fusion, is the only option.

Many people with arthritis also have other conditions. These conditions include heart disease and diabetes. Some people are more prone to others than having arthritis. Common risk factors include family history, age, being overweight, and previous joint injury.

Severe arthritis is debilitating as it becomes difficult to do daily tasks and enjoy activities. In some cases, the joints become twisted and deformed.


Source: Text & Image:


World Lupus Day – 10 May

There is no boundary to the impact of lupus. Lupus is a global health problem that affects people of all nationalities, races, ethnicities, genders and ages. Lupus can affect any part of the body in any way at any time, often with unpredictable and life-changing results. While lupus knows no boundaries, knowing all you can about lupus can help control its impact.

Source: Text: World Lupus Day

Imagine being bothered by sunlight, being covered in a rash, suffering fatigue, mouth sores, kidney and joint problems, as well as experiencing substantial hair loss and the swelling of lymph nodes. Sounds awful, doesn’t it? World Lupus Day was created to help us understand that this seemingly random grab bag of symptoms is actually a debilitating, chronic autoimmune disease suffered by approximately 5 million people worldwide, with 1.5 million of them living in the United States alone.

In short, lupus causes the immune system to become overactive, creating antibodies that attack healthy tissue causing pain, inflammation and damage in a given part of the body. Although lupus can be fatal, there is currently no known cure. Sadly, a large majority of people have little to no idea about lupus, often confusing it with arthritis, a much less serious disease. Many people have no idea lupus even exists until they themselves or somebody they know is diagnosed with it. This is the problem World Lupus Day was created to combat.

Source:  Text: Days of the Year; Image: Gentside découverte