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Journée Internationale des enfants victimes innocentes d’agression – 4 juin

Les enfants, partout à travers la planète, n’ont pas tous la même chance. Il arrive que certains d’entre eux soient victimes d’agression(s), c’est pourquoi l’Organisation des Nations Unies a choisi la date du 4 juin qui, depuis 1992, rappelle les violences que subissent des milliers de jeunes.

La majorité des jeunes pratiquant la mendicité risque d’être exploitée de différentes façons par les adultes et, bien que les droits des enfants soient aujourd’hui des droits  » sacrés « , la pauvreté, le travail et les conflits les amènent souvent à accomplir des actes qui les mènent à leur perte.

Comment agir ?
Il est important de penser à ceux qui – au-delà de nos frontières – souffrent, en particulier les enfants. Mais lutter pour que ces enfants du monde entier puissent vivre sans craindre diverses agressions est encore plus important: diverses institutions nationales et internationales ainsi que des Organisations Non Gouvernementales (ONG), mènent des activités de prise en charge et d’encadrement de ces enfants. Chacun, à son niveau, peut décider de parrainer, d’effectuer des dons, de faire du bénévolat.

Source: Texte: Journée Mondiale Image:

International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression – 4 June

The United Nations’ (UN) International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression is observed on June 4 each year. The purpose of the day is to acknowledge the pain suffered by children throughout the world who are the victims of physical, mental and emotional abuse. This day affirms the UN’s commitment to protect the rights of children.

What Do People Do?
The International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression celebrates the millions of individuals and organizations working to protect and preserve the rights of children. For example, the Global Movement for Children, with leadership from Nelson Mandela and Graca Machel, is an inspiring force for change that involves ordinary people and families worldwide. The ‘‘Say Yes for Children » campaign, endorsed by more than 94 million people, calls for 10 positive actions to be taken to improve the lives of children.

This day is a time for individuals and organizations all over the world to become aware of the impact of monstrosity of abuse, in all its forms, against children. It is also a time when organizations and individuals learn from or take part in awareness campaigns centered on protecting children’s rights.

On 19 August 1982, at its emergency special session on the question of Palestine, the General Assembly, appalled at the great number of innocent Palestinian and Lebanese children victims of Israel’s acts of aggression, decided to commemorate June 4 of each year as the International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression. According to the United Nations in China, the statistics of child abuse include:

  • More than two million children killed in conflict in the last two decades.
  • About 10 million child refugees cared for by the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR).
  • In the Latin America and in the Caribbean region about 80 thousand children die annually from violence that breaks out within the family.

Child abuse is now in the spotlight of global attention and the UN is working hard to help protect children around the world. One key factor is the process of international negotiation and action centered around the Convention on the Rights of the Child

Source: Text: Image: human rights watch blogger