M for Message Messages, we receive plenty of them! Those which used to come to us through the mail still reach us. But the many platforms of the social media are now a more importance source. Permanent connection, continuous information, repeated messages in loop – each second downloads them! Each message […]
All Souls’ Day – 2nd November
November 2nd returns every year, of course. And every year, too, it brings back to our minds the recollection that, one day,… we will leave this abode of ours. We will cross to… the other shore and start, yes, a new life. Some are much afraid of this happening. Some say […]
Pentecost, Year A
“The doors were closed (‘locked’, says another translation) in the room where the disciples were for fear of the Jews.” Have you ever been really afraid? If so, you surely remember the experience! In a threatening situation, it seems we can’t think straight! We try to figure out the best […]
4th Sunday of Lent, Year A
Strange things happen among us, people. Something good can be done for someone and the person who benefits from the good deed is penalized for it! It should not surprise us – this is what happened already in the time of Jesus. We see it in today’s gospel on […]